IIRC, it was approx 1 year ago, where in a large group of people, our President made it clear, and correctly so, the limits of his Presidential authority, when it comes to laws. Hasn't stopped him of course, but rhetorically he was correct....Congress makes the laws, Congress changes existing laws. He has no authority to supercede laws currently on the books, and he rightly said he can't do anything about current immigration laws.....to call your representatives, and get them to do it.
We all know why of course....the more poor people let into the country, by whatever means, means greater need for Government intervention (read control). Subsequent greater support for Democrat proposals/agenda, that requires bigger and bigger and government footprint, with a built in voting block.
Fast forward a bit, and Congress, is doing nothing, as its suposedly those dastardly Republicans preventing anything from happening.....so our Community Organizer and Chief decides to ignore his Constitutional parameters yet again, and pledges to unilaterally change existing law, by simply writing an executive order, that will simply give millions of those who came here illegally, the privilege of being here legally. Poof.... problem solved, right?
Fast forward a bit more, and Congress has done nothing, not so much because of dastardly Republicans, but more so Democrats up for relection, realizing that their consituents not only don't have immigration as a high priority, but have actively lobbyied their representatives of their intention to support their opponent, if said respresentative is so fixated on giving amnesty to those that came into this country illegally. Oh my, what to do?
Ahhh, you got it.....the coward's way out.....we don't do anything until AFTER the election, thereby shelting Democrats from having to defend the indefensible, as it relates to supporting said amnesty, while the Dems still get to rake in the huge influx of new poverty level immigrants, ripe for the need of additional Governmental services, healthcare, job training, etc.......all via executive order fiat, that our President clearly indicated he wasn't legally/constitutionall allowed to do in the 1st place
Viva la Imperialist Community Organizer & Chief