It's a cultural phenomenon I'm afraid Kimba. Look at the % of out-of-wedlock births in the African American community, compared to other races. The Blacks were sold that Government is their savior, and will take care of them, regardless any bad judgement that they perpetuate themselves with. Single mothers are common, and pretty much "expected". With no family structure or dedicated father figure, which the Government can't provide, its no wonder Blacks, as a % of our population, are involved in more crimes and have more in prison, compared to other races. So, the #'s don't validate a racist system, trying to target Blacks. It validates an utter collapse of the family dynamic, pushed by ever increasing Government programs to supposedly take its place......which it can't
This whole Civil Rights charade, being put on by Obama and the WH is disgusting. There was nothing racial in what happened in Fergeson. Colors could have been completely swapped, and the commentary by folks like myself would have been the same. But because it was white on black, somehow that aberration is some supposed reinforcement of what supposedly happens all the time. It's like school shootings. That when they happen, its tragic, but advocates use that aberation of a tragedy to push their ideological agendas, in those cases, more gun control. Here, you simply have a thug, who was shot by a Police officer when he wouldn't stop and get on the ground, after attacking him once already, but there you have the race baiters, topped off by Obama & Holder, trying to make this about something it never was, which then directly led to the mass amount of property destruction...most of it, upon African American store owners