To humans perhaps. Point being your attempt to "understand" God is pure human. Humans, are by nature, inquisitory, and given our higher brain function than most every other animals on this globe, allows us to actively think, perform research, scientific even
God is none of that, so its impossible to "understand God". God is, and that's it. You either have faith, or you don't. Its your choice, and that's the best of're not obligated to believe. Do you see anyone who has a walk with God, ridiculing your lack of one?? laughing at your lack faith? Making jokes? No you don't. But boy oh boy, look at the somersaults you perform in trying to ridicule and demean someone's faith
God is, that's it. Bad things happen, and yes, God allows it. But God teaches those who have faith, that there's nothing too great that we can't handle. Bad things also happen, to provide greater perspective of when good things happen. And again, the best part is, you're not required to believe that. Why you find it so necessary to demean and ridicule that, which no one of faith does to you, is quite.......illuminating