I'm sure you would, but you haven't done anything to support that assertion
No? History books referencing a similar history doesn't count, huh? I'll have to remember that. But what I'll remember more so is that those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. You may be ready and willing to risk repeating history. I prefer not
You're missing the point. You're advocating going after people based on what you believe they will do in the future
No, that would be you missing the point. I'm advocating going after people who have pledged to do what I believe they have pledged to do in the future. A DISTINCT difference, I might add
Back then the militia were civilians. And I didn't say they targeted or killed civilians.
Yet the current crop of non-unifomred terrorists are doing precisely that. Again, a DISTINCT difference than the militias of the U.S Revolution
So? Not that I agree with you, but even if you're right, so what? ("Leaving them alone" does zilch to lessen the threat.)
I'm stunned an objective person as yourself needs to ask such a question. Perhaps I can get Pooch or Majorstrictland to answer that one for you, Prince
A position we would not be in if we had been leaving them alone in the first place. But regardless of how it is perceived, it is still the right thing to do.
Well, that's one person's opinion, that IMHO doesn't have much realistic merit to it. As I gather, you're advocating a complete "do-over". We bring everyone home. close up shop, let AlQeada and the growing militant Islam movement get completely rehabilitated, re-supplied, re-armed, double/triple the amount of new recruits, train with abandon with no interference. And seeing how they "scared those cowardly americans away", motivate them for the next few 911's they can cause. And of course it'll be made easier, because we shouldn't be listening in on their phone conversations....noooooo, perish the thought. We ought not tracking their bank records or datamining calls......noooooo, baaaaaaad. Just when they do hit, we........hit back hard, and hold nothing back........kinda like what we're doing now, but with alot more loss of both our civilian life from those 911-like events, and thousands more sodliers as we try to take on new refortifie, rearmed, and fresh terrorist forces. I'll be honest here Prince.......I don't see that as the "right thing to do"
They're shooting into the darkness, hoping something gets hit. That is not exactly what I would call a serious ability to wage war on anyone.
Hitler did pretty much the same thing when he sent a small underarmed contingent of troops into the Rhineland. We turned a blind eye to that one to. We have history to tell us where it went from there