<<Someone has to be in charge of the playground, M Tee.....that's a reality. There's always someone tougher and more powerful .
why the hell can't it be the United States.>>
Believe it or not, I wouldn't have a problem with that if the U.S. exercised its power wisely and justly. I was in Amnesty International for 15 years in a fairly highly specialized unit dealing with certain aspects of, as it happened, the Saddam Hussein regime, and a few others just as bad. And one of the most frustrating aspects of the work was that virtually all of it was NGO. There were few if any governments in the world that were prepared to take any meaningful action to halt the torture and the U.S. government was definitely not interested. When the issue was torture and murder, the U.S. was a model of respect for the sovereignty of the member states of the U.N. and for the non-interventionist Articles of the Charter of the United Nations.
When the demand for oil becomes more acute and the inhibiting influence of a rival superpower disappears, suddenly the U.S. is less committed than usual to respect for the sovereignty of the member states. It's ludicrous to suppose that the U.S. presence in Iraq is NOT related to oil.
The U.S. is in charge of the playground and it supports the 40-year military occupation of the West Bank, the tyrranical torture-states of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait (probably Syria as well,) supported the Shah of Iran and his SAVAK secret police, probably the most hated and feared torturers in the region, supports the Israeli Mossad (allowed by their own Supreme Court to use torture) and basicall crushes the aspirations of all the people in the region, none more so than the miserable residents of the West Bank and Gaza.
Your "somebody must be the boss of the playground" is an overly simplistic rationalization that completely overlooks the many, many, many abuses, atrocities and injustices that the U.S. as boss of the playground has been guilty of and is still performing. The other kids in the playground are getting sick of it and the bully may finally be in for some serious payback.