<<Facts are facts Tee. My apologies when they keep getting in the way of a good predisposed Bush is Evil, America is evil rant.>>
Well, sirs, it's been abundantly proven how Bush has lied America into a war and kept it in the war by piling more lies onto the original. The "reasons" for being there, for example, seem to change from month to month - - as each "reason" is exposed for the pitiful absurdity that it is, and the smirking chimp's credibility is no longer maintainable, a new lie is invented to hold onto as much as remains of his rapidly shrinking base. If war is evil and lies are evil, then lying to get a country into a war is evil and so Bush is evil. If torture is evil and Bush seeks laws that permit him to torture his prisoners, once again, Bush is evil. This is so basic that it really requires little exposition, except to those who are bent on denying the obvious.
So I don't think you need to apologize for your "facts" getting in the way of a good "Bush is Evil" rant - - first of all, they aren't facts (quite the contrary) and they don't get in the way of a painfully obvious truth, much as you wish they could.
As far as my alleged "America is Evil" rants, I don't think I ever said America is evil. All I did was shine a little light on what your great country has been up to since the end of the Second World War, so people can draw their own conclusions as to how those actions should be characterized.
<<As it's been made painfully clear, perhaps when you (or Larry) can actually demonstrate how Bush is "attacking free speech">>
Larry has done a fine job of posting a link to the text of a statute that attacks freedom of speech. If you can't read or understand that text, if you can't figure out how that statute can inhibit or penalize the exercise of free speech, then I would say that is your problem, there is nothing that I or anyone else in the group can do to get you to admit that - - in all simplicity - - the statute says what it says and permits what it permits.
<< . . . complete with the Gestapo-like rounding up of the likes of Air America, Soros and Streisand, then you might actually enter the age of credibility once again.>>
Well, once again, it is not for you to establish the highest possible bar for attacking freedom of speech (Gestapo round-ups) and then claim that any action falling short of that is not an attack on freedom of speech. That is an absurd argument and probably no adult mind would fall for it. I really don't think even you yourself are stupid enough to be convinced by it. Obviously there can be infringements of freedom of speech that fall short of the Nazi "gold standard" for shutting down freedom of speech, but are nevertheless genuine infringements of freedom of speech, just as there can be football players who will never win the Heisemann Trophy but are nevertheless football players.
<<We shall all wait patiently>>
For what? For you to start making serious arguments in support of your ludicrous positions, and abandon the bullshit and the cheap tricks that don't even fool a 12-year-old? That takes a LOT of patience.