One positive effect of an Obama presidency might be to make President Bush look good in contrast.
And I don't mean a little bit either!
Any slacking on the pressure on terrorist forces , followed by a terrorist attack of large scale, would force Obama to prove he isn't soft on terrorism, perhaps a small terrorist success would force President Obama to knock some heads together just to get the international community to pay attention to him.
Europe loves the President Obama idea already , this is going to be hard for him to overcome, worse than a French or English leader being seen as an American lapdog. If he doesn't get out from under the cloud of Euro love he will be vilified as Kerry only got half of.
President Obama has the wrong thing in common with President Kennedy , Youth and a perceived weakness and inexperience. After the first mistake (inevitable for any president to make one pretty soon) Foolish leaders of foreign lands will try to exploit his gullability and cowardace as Kruchev tried to do Kennedy.
The President isn't really in controll of the economy , but even if it is unfair he gets a lot of credit for its condition. The excellent economy ,that has been our good fortune for the last decade and a half,seems like it may have peaked , making it likely for us to see a severe down turn . It is unfair to blame Hoover for the great Depression , but refugee camps sprang up everywhere and were named "Hooverville" , "Obamaville" has a ring to it doesn't it? If we have a year of 10% unemployment Social security will fail right there, there is no defense against it even possible, so will President Obama draw the short straw the way Hoover did?
No Child Left Behind is one of the most bipartisan programs that we have seen recently , this didn't make it a total success, but whether President Obama decides to scrap it or keep it , he doesn't have any improvement on it ready to talk about yet. Nor is there any improvement available that doesn't step on some toes that he doesn't want to stomp on till after his second term election.
Being elected totally on charm and vague promises of hope and change , maximises the number of people who will feel betrayed with every decision he makes . Every wink and intentional vagueness is taken as a coded promise by both sides of every question as he makes an election success of being every thing to every body. What is he going to do as President when he actually has to sign some bills?
And of course he is black , to all of the world the USA will have seemed to have turned a corner and expunged its oldest shame. Getting rid of Affirmative action and never electing another politician for being black won't hurt us after President Obama takes office , but breaking the color line was not the only accomplishment of Jackie Robinson , he also played great baseball. Senator Barak Obama needs very much to be a good president , not just a placeholder till the next election . This isn't going to be easy , and I know nothing about his courage and fortitude.