"BT, You are wrong. I take pleasure in my truth... a truth you will never understand"Plane, Walk into a classroom before you speak to me again. You, as well, BTStop the armchair BS.Oh ok Cynthia walk into Iraq before you speak again about the Iraq war.
I will never respect your view on this because you lack that expertise, sorry but that's the fact. Oh but you can spout about the war in Iraq without any expertise? What expertise do you have
in the area of warfare and nation building?
Or is it the typical "well I can freely expresss my views when I speak about areas I'm not an expert in, but I will condemn BT and Plane for expressing views their view in areas they dont have expertise in.
Cynthia is the typical elitist card carrying union member Obama supporting liberal.
Yeah shut up BT & Plane since you are not a teacher you have no right to
complain and want change to our public schools that are producing miserable
disgraceful results.
After 8 years of Bill Clinton the US was near the botton of the world's richest countries in educational results. Ewwwww but Bil,Clinton, well, uh, um well, it's Bush's fault when he is President, well because he is "not smart", but well, uh, umm it's not President Clinton's fault when he was President well, um, well just because.
Yeah yeah yeah Obama we want change!
Oh but no no no no no no no we cant change our public schools.
No we just want more money so we can produce more crappy results.
No No No No No NO CHANGE to faith based Inititiatives.
No No No No No NO CHANGE to school vouchers.