Author Topic: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?  (Read 8958 times)

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Michael Tee

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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2010, 02:26:09 PM »
<<The invitation for them to leave, indicates that they are not the type of people the movement is made of.>>

You might as well argue that an invitation for the KKK to leave a White Citizens' Council meeting indicates that the Council members aren't racist.  Again, for the thousandth time, you reveal the right's inability to see shades of gray; there's a 12-year-old mindset that sees everything in terms of white and black.  You're either racist or not racist.  It's as if there's no difference at all between racists, while of course there are - - the very need for White Citizens' Councils in the South, notwithstanding the long-standing presence of the KKK, is proof in itself of the gradations of racism and the class contradictions between them.

<<What you don't get is there is no council guiding this movement.>>

No?  So who then issued the "invitation for them [the Obama=Chimp folks] to leave?"

<<It's as genuine as the netroots. No one is in charge. It isn't politburo driven. It is a peasant revolt.>>

"News" of the coming crypto-fascist gatherings just "happens" miraculously to appear from a thousand Fox affiliates on the same day.  It's about as spontaneous as the Florida mob which intimidated the recount in the 2000 election - - later photographs identified numerous GOP operatives in the crowd from all over the country.  Spontaneous, my ass.


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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2010, 02:38:58 PM »
The KKK ... crypto-fascists ...

Hey Mike, turn the fucking record over asshole. Nobody gives a flying fuck about your twisted race theories. Who the fuck made a muderous commie piece of shit like the authority on race? Who gives a fuck what you think? You're a demented can of shit who shouldn't even be considered to be taken seriously on anything, let alone race in America. It's people like you who perform mass murder against races you deem inferior. Hitler did it, Stalin did it, Mao did it, Pol Pot did it, Fidel does it. All your fucking heros. So who the fuck gives a shit for the opinion of scum like you?

Go outside and stick your head in the snow asshole.


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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2010, 03:39:32 PM »
The problem that Tee has is this monolithic Anti-american template, that must be adhered a religion.  Think of it as a septic mutation of BDS, where his faculties of reason and common sense have been so compromised, we get the perseveration of crypto-fasciat racists in anything and everything that doesn't agree with his template.  Be it Bush stole the election, Bush lied us into war, We went in for the oil, The south is a bunch of leftists, the U.S. military is just a bunch of low hanging rapist thugs, If Bush knew (about 911 in advance) he would have sat on it, and his latest asanine & completely unsubstantiated incarnation, that the Tea party movement is just a bunch of crypto-fascist racists, tells all those who read these passages, be it patrons or visitors, far more about our Anti-American Canadian communist's inability to engage in consistent rational thought, then anything about what he's currently spewing about.

Must fit template....must fit template.  That's why even when we didn't procure Iraqi's oil, we still went in for the oil.  That's why even though the Northeast has demonstrated just as much, if not more modern day racism than any other place in the country, the south is still racist.  That's whey when folks are are deemed to be racist in how try to push that agenda at tea party gatherings and subsequently asked to leave, tea party folks are still crypto-fascist racists.

Prince pretty much nailed this one earlier, as did Krauthammer's piece.  Way to go, fellas
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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #33 on: February 07, 2010, 11:57:08 PM »
   In spite of the wealth of talent and education availible to the left , doesn't the common man have the right to reject their benevelovence?

Michael Tee

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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #34 on: February 08, 2010, 12:12:03 AM »
 <<In spite of the wealth of talent and education availible to the left , doesn't the common man have the right to reject their benevelovence?>>

The common man certainly has at least the right to HEAR the left's proposition.  In the sham democracy of the U.S.A., this is impossible, first because the MSM are corporate-owned and corporate-controlled so that the message gets out in a very attenuated form and is immediately drowned in a barrage of right-wing (corporate) bullshit.

Sure the common man has a right to reject benevolence, as he has a right to reject a life preserver if he is drowning, but no same "common man" will do so. 

The fiction that you are attempting to maintain is that the common man receives an offer from the left, considers it and rejects it freely and voluntarily.  In fact, this never happens.  The offer never gets to him, it is misrepresented by lies which the left is not allowed to counter, and in the end the "decision" to reject is just a pre-ordained conclusion.

Universe Prince

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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #35 on: February 08, 2010, 12:24:39 AM »

Again, for the thousandth time, you reveal the right's inability to see shades of gray; there's a 12-year-old mindset that sees everything in terms of white and black.

Says the man who thinks if you don't support a single-payer, government run health care program you must then be a fascist. There is a word for what Michael Tee has accomplished here. It starts with an 'h' and ends with an 'ypocrisy'.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
--Hieronymus Karl Frederick Baron von Munchausen ("The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" [1988])--


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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #36 on: February 08, 2010, 12:37:18 AM »
>> In the sham democracy of the U.S.A.<<

The USA isn't a democracy you stupid cunt. It never was, and never will be. Are you really that fucking stupid? A rhetorical question I agree but for fuck sake asshole, stop spewing your idiotic bile. It's false and nobody in America gives a flying fuck about your penis envy for America.

Get a fucking job, have your old lady spend more time on the street, but for Christ sake, spare us you idiotic yammering.

The common man? Maybe he's your bastards real father but thats all you could possibley know about Joe the plumber. And Joe the plumber doesn't give a shit about you asshole. If he did he'd just want to kick your cocksucking commie ass.

Michael Tee

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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #37 on: February 08, 2010, 01:13:24 AM »
<<Says the man who thinks if you don't support a single-payer, government run health care program you must then be a fascist.>>

Did I say that?   Wow, that's cool, but kind of extreme.  Where'd I say that?  I forget. 


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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2010, 01:24:01 AM »
Of course you did shit for brains. All us rednecks in the south hate healthcare because we're racist. That's all. Died in the wool racist redneck Wal-Mart shoppers. We hate the black folk because we're stupid racists.

Right asshole? Hasn't that been what you've been vomiting in here forever?

Shut up asshole. Spend your time hating racist Eskimos or something. Your opinion here is a repetitive joke that any normal American would have nothing but contempt for.


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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #39 on: February 08, 2010, 02:16:28 AM »
<<In spite of the wealth of talent and education availible to the left , doesn't the common man have the right to reject their benevelovence?>>

The common man certainly has at least the right to HEAR the left's proposition.  In the sham democracy of the U.S.A., this is impossible, first because the MSM are corporate-owned and corporate-controlled so that the message gets out in a very attenuated form and is immediately drowned in a barrage of right-wing (corporate) bullshit.

Sure the common man has a right to reject benevolence, as he has a right to reject a life preserver if he is drowning, but no same "common man" will do so. 

The fiction that you are attempting to maintain is that the common man receives an offer from the left, considers it and rejects it freely and voluntarily.  In fact, this never happens.  The offer never gets to him, it is misrepresented by lies which the left is not allowed to counter, and in the end the "decision" to reject is just a pre-ordained conclusion.

WE elect a student of Saul Alinski to the Presidency , elect a solid Democrat Senate and House and you think that the Liberal message has gotten no hearing?

You think that corporate America has no libs?,... How do you classify Warren Buffet?...Or all those guys that give millions to Democratic Congressmen?

This is like,...... far beyond delusion.

Even our media is top loaded with Liberals , but still the liberal message is not being well presented?

I think you can do better than that.

Or maybe you can't , the president Himself pretty much said the same thing in his state of the union speech, promiseing to speak slower .

I think Kruthammner has your number

Michael Tee

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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #40 on: February 08, 2010, 02:40:17 AM »
<<WE elect a student of Saul Alinski to the Presidency . . . >>

Cut the bullshit, plane.  What is this "student of Saul Alinsky" crap?  You think Obama was some kind of disciple who sat at Alinski's feet for 12 years absorbing the wisdom of the Master?  There's no solid connection between Alinski and Obama and if there was, Alinski was a teacher of methodology more than of socialist economics and policies.

<< . . .  elect a solid Democrat Senate and House >>

Solid, my ass.  What's so "solid" about Blue Dog Democrats?  What's so "solid" about Lieberman?  There was no "solid" anything, just a bunch of Republocrats posing as agents of "change" and "hope" to fool the dumb fucking electorate one more time.  Billion dollar bailouts of banks, insurance companies and financiers, just the way Alinski had it all planned, eh?

<< . . . and you think that the Liberal message has gotten no hearing?>>

Yes, I do.  There was NOBODY making the case for single payer.  There was NOBODY making the case for universal coverage.  The closest the case for single payer ever got was "public option," a pathetically watered-down version of single-payer, and even that was back-pedalled away from at breakneck speed by Obama and every fucking "Democrat" who was supposedly for "health care reform."  Instead of reasoned debate, instead of veteran Canadian plan administrators to make the case for Canadian-style health care, the MSM blanketed the nation with coverage of the moronic "town hall meetings" and "tea parties" where speakers were routinely shouted down by morons with "Hear Our Voice!" till nothing but the chant could be heard.  I SAW THAT.  There were fake TV ads by this lying fat bitch who claimed that Canadian health care almost killed her by not operating on her "brain tumor" which turned out in the end to be a benign cyst.  A Niagara of lies and bullshit hijacked the public debate on health care, and that was because the entire public debate was mediated by the MSM which made God-damned sure that the waters were muddied enough for the GOP to play on the fears of the ignorant and the uneducated, as they always do, to ensure that REAL health care reform never even got put on the table.

<<You think that corporate America has no libs?,... How do you classify Warren Buffet?...Or all those guys that give millions to Democratic Congressmen?>>

Who gives a shit about corporate America's lone libs?  Soros?  Buffet?  BFD.  At the end of the day, you judge the bozos they put in Congress with their campaign contributions.  Democrats for whom "impeachment is off the table" and no stink raised in the MSM.  A law-school President who says he can't prosecute Bush-era torturers because "that would be looking backward."  EVERY FUCKING PROSECUTION OF EVERY FUCKING CRIME IN THE WORLD HAS TO BE "LOOKING BACKWARD" BECAUSE YOU CAN ONLY PROSECUTE CRIMES AFTER THEY HAVE TAKEN PLACE and yet not one major MSM outlet raised a stink about this.  A Democratic "anti-war" majority which refused to cut funding for the war.  This whole "liberal/conservative" divide is a crock, it's all one side.

<<This is like,...... far beyond delusion.>>

Oh GROW UP for christ sake.

<<Even our media is top loaded with Liberals , but still the liberal message is not being well presented?>>

Oh really?  So what MSM "top-loaded with Liberals" was calling on Pelosi to impeach Bush for lying the country into the war?  Which one was calling for the new Democratic majority to de-fund the war?  Which one is calling for immediate abandonment of all Iraqi bases and all troops out in six months?  Which one is protesting drone attacks?  Which one is demanding trials for Bush-era torturers?  Tell me, please?

"Far beyond delusion?"  You're God-damn right, YOU are "far beyond delusion."

<<I think you can do better than that.>>

Thanks, I'm very flattered.

<<Or maybe you can't , the president Himself pretty much said the same thing in his state of the union speech, promiseing to speak slower .>>

Tell the President, it isn't how slow or fast he talks, it's whether he's making the "changes" that he promised or whether he's lying.  Tell him that slow or fast, ANY prosecution of ANY crime has to be "looking backward" and he'd better find a better explanation for his refusal to prosecute any of the Bush-era war criminals than he's come up with so far.  Otherwise I won't see any "change" with regard to the issue of torture and I'll think he's been lying to the people.

<<I think Kruthammner has your number>>

You're as dead wrong on that as you were about everything else that you posted here.  I'VE got Krauthammer's number.


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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #41 on: February 08, 2010, 02:52:52 AM »
<<WE elect a student of Saul Alinski to the Presidency . . . >>

Cut the bullshit, plane.  What is this "student of Saul Alinsky" crap?  You think Obama was some kind of disciple who sat at Alinski's feet for 12 years absorbing the wisdom of the Master? 

Well said , that is exactly what I think.

I also think he didn't sleep through all of Rev Wrights sermons.

And I think that when William Ayers invited Obama over to his house , he went.

I think that BHO is the most Liberal canadate the US has ever elected to the presidency , and following LBJ JEC and WC that is realy saying something.

I hope that BHO is the apex of the American liberals and that we will learn enough from this episode to never elect another quite so bad (by "bad" I mean "Liberal") .

Obama's terrorist connections - William Ayers

Michael Tee

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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #42 on: February 08, 2010, 03:08:08 AM »
<<Well said , that is exactly what I think.>>

Well find me some authoritative source that says so, and maybe that'll be exactly what I think too.  Right now, I think that Alinsky was a minor rather than a major influence on Obama.

<<I also think he didn't sleep through all of Rev Wrights sermons.>>

Well, when you hear him say "God damn America" to Congress, let me know and I'll concede that Wright had some influence on him.  I don't think Wright would have told Obama to bail out the banks and the finance companies and the auto industry, though.  I don't think Wright told him to give the torturers their Get Out of Jail Free card.  I don't see ANY of Wright's influence on Obama and that's too damn bad.  I bet Wright would have been the better President.

<<And I think that when William Ayers invited Obama over to his house , he went.>>

I'd go too.  Bill Ayers is one of my heroes.  Don't see Ayers acting anything like Obama has to date, if Ayers had been president.  You can bet your ass if Ayers were in charge, all U.S. troops would have been out of Afghanistan and Iraq within two months of the inauguration.

<<I think that BHO is the most Liberal canadate the US has ever elected to the presidency , and following LBJ JEC and WC that is realy saying something.>>

BUT THAT'S MY POINT EXACTLY!!! The "most Liberal candidate" didn't make a God-damn bit of difference in the policies of the Government.  Big business and Wall STreet and the banks got bailed out, the Palestinians and other Arabs all got fucked in the ass, the torturers got away with all their crimes, etc.  The "most liberal candidate" is one big fucking fraud like all the rest of them.

<<I hope that BHO is the apex of the American liberals and that we will learn enough from this episode to never elect another quite so bad (by "bad" I mean "Liberal") .>>

I don't give a shit.  If he's a "liberal" I hope your next President is Genghis Khan.


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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #43 on: February 08, 2010, 03:19:53 AM »
I don't give a shit.  If he's a "liberal" I hope your next President is Genghis Khan.
<<Well said , that is exactly what I think.>>

Well find me some authoritative source that says so, and maybe that'll be exactly what I think too.  Right now, I think that Alinsky was a minor rather than a major influence on Obama.

Minor is too much

I don't give a shit.  If he's a "liberal" I hope your next President is Genghis Khan.

Hey, wouldn't that be something! You can't get much more liberal than good ol' Genghis!
Redistribute the wealth, no excuses .

I would settle for a good clone of Teddy Rosevelt or Ronald Reagan, as soon as cloning is well enough done.

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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #44 on: February 08, 2010, 12:15:13 PM »

Did I say that?   Wow, that's cool, but kind of extreme.  Where'd I say that?  I forget.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
--Hieronymus Karl Frederick Baron von Munchausen ("The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" [1988])--