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Re: Times Square Car Bomb
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2010, 01:22:21 PM »
I do not think Tee was planning to vote in a US election.

I have nothing to say about the bomb except that if it was supposed to blow up and kill people, it failed due to poor bomb design and/or fabrication. They claimed they used the wrong fertilizer. Bot of course, one can never rely on what police say publicly, as frequently they lie so as to dispense with those sick individuals who admit to crimes they did not commit. A valid technique in solving the crime, but nonetheless it makes anything the police say questionable.

If it was supposed to do what it did, then the motive was something else. Who was responsible is just a guess. Was it the man with the red shirt? Who knows?
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Michael Tee

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Re: Times Square Car Bomb
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2010, 01:43:02 PM »
Something else I can't understand is why any self-respecting "terrorist" organization would want to take credit for such a half-assed attempt.  Had it been an al Qaeda operative, they would have disowned him and canceled his martyr's insurance.


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Re: Times Square Car Bomb
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2010, 06:37:24 PM »
  Whoever the lying bastards decide to pin this on WILL be (IMHO) native-born to Pakistani immigrant parents. 

Oh no!

That is my pick in the pool and I don't have to share.

Why don't you try for a Sudani or a Nigerian or even a Philipino?

I have dibs on the Packistanis.


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Re: Times Square Car Bomb
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2010, 06:42:18 PM »
Something else I can't understand is why any self-respecting "terrorist" organization would want to take credit for such a half-assed attempt.  Had it been an al Qaeda operative, they would have disowned him and canceled his martyr's insurance.

Best they have?

" canceled his martyr's insurance"


Very good.


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Re: Times Square Car Bomb
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2010, 09:05:27 PM »
The bomb was obviously the work of the Dept. of Homeland Security, which is the only credible explanation
Same as the Detroit incident.  Another phony attack staged to scare the sheeple.
So Michael let me get this are actually stating you think the
Obama Dept of Homeland Security is staging terror attacks in the United States?
And specifically the Obama Dept of Homeland Security staged both the
Detroit plane incident and the NY Times Square bomb incident?

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Michael Tee

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Re: Times Square Car Bomb
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2010, 09:32:56 PM »
<<So Michael let me get this are actually stating you think the
Obama Dept of Homeland Security is staging terror attacks in the United States?
And specifically the Obama Dept of Homeland Security staged both the
Detroit plane incident and the NY Times Square incident?>>

I think you should take Obama's name off the Dept. of Homeland Security.  On paper, Obama might be their boss, but he's got about as much to say about what they do as he does about when the troops come home from Afghanistan or Iraq.

It's pretty apparent to me that the "elections" are one giant fraud on the American people, and that the real hard decisions of the national security state are made by special interests whose policies are continued without significant change no matter who is "elected" to be "President" or hold any other public office.  When a change in direction is made, it will come from these special interests without regard to who happens to be "President" at the time.  He or she will be informed of the change when the time comes.  His "advisers" will start singing a different tune, or the editorial pages of the leading newspapers and certain key talking heads will indicate what the new direction is going to be, and for a smart "President," that's all the direction he or she will ever need.

For the record, I think it's probably a no-brainer that the incident on the Amsterdam to Detroit plane was a set-up, with the bomber, whose passport had already been either flagged or invalidated, was put on the plane with CIA or other security agency assistance after the gate-keeper had turned him back.  Only the chance interception of key conversations by a quick-witted lawyer-passenger blew the story and now it's been totally buried by the MSM.   Either Uncle Sam staged the whole thing, or more likely, took over the running of a blown "terrorist" scheme, allowing only a half-assed attempt to proceed for the purpose of maintaining the level of hysteria generated by the Sept. 11 attacks.

As for the Times Square "bombing," it's an either-or deal - - either the U.S. security agencies staged the same thing or this was one incredibly inept lone-wolf operative inspired by rage at the actions of the U.S. and/or Israel but without the training or even common sense necessary to pull off the attack.  Hell, it could even be psycho teenagers like the Columbine "Trenchcoat Mafia" just doing it for their own twisted reasons with no ideological agenda.  Again, if done with US government involvement, the purpose would be to generate or maintain the level of public hysteria that is needed to cement the powers of the military-industrial complex and/or to pave the way for its next step forward in the erosion of basic Constitutional liberties.  The usual Reichstag fire motif.

On a personal note, I usually visit Times Square with my wife every time we're in New York.  This would be at least three or four times a year.  It's pretty tacky but it's where you have to go and stand in line if you want discount tickets for the Broadway shows. (if available)  So I certainly don't take any bomb attack on Times Square lightly.  However, I can see quite clearly the advantages to the real rulers of America in fanning the public's fear of "terrorists," in order to facilitate further inroads against Constitutional rights, very much as Hitler did with the Reichstag fire.  Obama or any other "President" wouldn't have to know anything about it, and if he did, he'd probably keep his mouth shut if he knew what was good for him.  It strikes me as really strange how easily both the airline attack and the Times Square bomb attack were frustrated by a combination of ineptitude, "alert bystanders," and so on.  Almost too good to be true.


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Re: Times Square Car Bomb
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2010, 09:47:33 PM »
I think you should take Obama's name off the Dept. of Homeland Security.  On paper, Obama might be their boss, but he's got about as much to say about what they do as he does about when the troops come home from Afghanistan or Iraq.

So Obama is a poor manager and thus a department under his direct control is staging terror attacks in the United States?

Also so you are now arguing Obama in not really the Commander-in-Chief and thus can't really be blamed for
troops staying in Iraq/Afghanistan, and Obama cant be blamed for on-going and increasing US Drone attacks
but on the other hand Bush was in full control and can be blamed for everything during his watch?
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: Times Square Car Bomb
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2010, 10:47:36 PM »
<<So Obama is a poor manager and thus a department under his direct control is staging terror attacks in the United States?>>

Well, they are FAKE terror attacks in which nobody ever gets hurt.

<<Also so you are now arguing Obama in not really the Commander-in-Chief and thus can't really be blamed for
troops staying in Iraq/Afghanistan, and Obama cant be blamed for on-going and increasing US Drone attacks
but on the other hand Bush was in full control and can be blamed for everything during his watch?>>

They're both just figureheads.  Bush had no more control than Obama has, he's just a lot more enthusiastic in promoting all that shit.  Obama was more disappointing.  He sure as hell fooled me.  He talked like a guy who could make a difference and I believed him.  That is how fucking dumb I was.    But of course he can't.  He's really not much better than Bush.  But I still believe that Obama knows it's all wrong, and that Bush really believed in it.  So if there's anything Obama can do to slow it down, he'd do it.  But maybe that's a mistake too.   I'll put it this way.  I know who's in control, and it's not the "President."  Never was.    But I don't know how much power remains in the hands of the President to influence the course of events .   THAT would be very hard for a guy like me to evaluate, since I just don't have sufficient knowledge of the details.


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Re: Times Square Car Bomb
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2010, 12:58:40 AM »
One statement that I have found accurate has been this one:
"Never assume conspiracy when incompetence will suffice."

I heard this was attributed to Napoleon. I am not sure of that, but I am sure it is very often true, and seems to be true in this case..
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Re: Times Square Car Bomb
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2010, 02:31:54 AM »
<<Also so you are now arguing Obama in not really the Commander-in-Chief and thus can't really be blamed for
troops staying in Iraq/Afghanistan, and Obama cant be blamed for on-going and increasing US Drone attacks
but on the other hand Bush was in full control and can be blamed for everything during his watch

I'll put it this way.  I know who's in control, and it's not the "President."  Never was.   

So all the talk about Bush needing to be found guilty in a World court, and hung was just........blather?
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Re: Times Square Car Bomb
« Reply #25 on: May 04, 2010, 03:07:13 AM »

NEW YORK ? A Pakistani man believed to be the driver of an SUV used as a car bomb in a failed terror attack on Times Square was taken into custody early Tuesday by federal and local police officials while trying to leave the country, a law enforcement official said.

The suspect, Faisal Shahzad, was identified by customs agents at John F. Kennedy International Airport and was stopped before boarding an Emirates airlines flight to Dubai, according to officials who spoke to The Associated Press early Tuesday on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the investigation. He had recently returned from a five-month trip to Pakistan, where he had a wife.

He was being held in New York and couldn't be contacted. He has a Shelton, Conn., address; a phone number listed there wasn't in service.

Law enforcement officials say Shahzad bought the SUV, a 1993 Nissan Pathfinder, from a Connecticut man about three weeks ago and paid cash. The officials spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the case.

Police said the bomb could have produced "a significant fireball" and sprayed shrapnel with enough force to kill pedestrians and knock out windows. The SUV was parked on a street lined with restaurants and Broadway theaters, including one showing "The Lion King," and full of people out on a Saturday night.

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Re: Times Square Car Bomb
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2010, 06:28:09 AM »
<<"Never assume conspiracy when incompetence will suffice.">>

How does "incompetence" suffice to explain the continuation of all Bush's policies and the immunity of Bush ("impeachment is off the table") and his torturers ("prosecution of past crimes of torture is "looking backward" and this administration wants to look forward") by the "hope and change" candidate?

Or apply the same reasoning in Viet Nam where the war policy went forward until for economic reasons it had to be abandoned, despite the change from Democratic to Republican "Presidencies."

XO, take a look at Michael J. Parenti's Democracy for the Few, which explains exactly what the role of "elections" is in America's phony "democracy."  The edition I was reading (3rd) was written before the abomination of the Bush years but hopefully there is a more up to date edition.  This guy nailed the whole system even before Bush - -  Bush was just the least skillful of the various figurehead "Presidents" who have been permitted to run the charade over the past few decades.

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Re: Times Square Car Bomb
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2010, 06:37:14 AM »
<<NEW YORK ? A Pakistani man believed to be the driver of an SUV used as a car bomb in a failed terror attack on Times Square was taken into custody early Tuesday . . .>>

Well, well.  HERE is a case where one might well ask, "Why assume conspiracy where incompetence will suffice?"  Either the guy is an incompetent lone wolf, an incompetent operative of some Pakistani jihadi group or . . .

Or once again, the CIA produces its Oswald.

One of the problems with the legitimization of torture is that the results of the trial are no longer conclusive.  The guy could be guilty, he could have been railroaded, nobody ever knows.  Kinda like the Moscow show trials that everyone here seems so self-righteous about.


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Re: Times Square Car Bomb
« Reply #28 on: May 04, 2010, 08:14:52 AM »
An American from Pakistan arrested over Time Square bomb plot

DEBKAfile Special Report

May 4, 2010, 12:44 AM (GMT+02:00)

Faisal Shahzad, 30, a US citizen from Pakistan, was arrested at New York's JFK airport Monday night trying to board a flight to Dubai and will appear before a federal court Tuesday, May 4. He was identified as the buyer of the Nissan Pathfinder used to rig the failed car bomb. US Attorney General Eric Holder said that more than one person is sought in connection with the attempted terrorist plot.

Shahzad's information is vital for uncovering the extent of the conspiracy and its potential for more terrorist attacks in New York or other American cities.

US security officials began screening passengers boarding domestic and foreign flights out of Boston, New York and Philadelphia Monday night, May 3, hoping to snare a likely foreign terrorist or terrorists on the run after planting the Times Square car bomb. By then, US officials had come around to accepting that the failed car bomb attack was coordinated by more than one person - possibly even a foreign terrorist organization - and no longer cast doubt on the credibility of the Pakistani Taliban's claim of responsibility.

The investigation got off to a slow start due to the initial skepticism in the administration and New York City Hall to the possibility of a high-profile terrorist operation which called for immediate, comprehensive action.

Shortly after the car bomb parked near on Times Square was defused safely Saturday night, May 1, debkafile reported: Our terror experts doubt that he was a loner. Surveillance was needed to locate the bomb vehicle and possibly steal or buy it from the used car junkyard, several hands must have assembled the materials and prepared the explosive device, and his lightning disappearance indicates that a getaway car must have been on hand to whisk him away from the scene before the police arrived.

NY Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said the bomb made up of propane tanks, fertilizer and gasoline, which failed to detonate in the SUV, could have produced " significant fireball" in the heart of Midtown Manhattan Saturday night May 1 had it worked properly. It was detected when smoke billowed out of the parked vehicle near Time Square.

The next day, we headlined the Pakistani Taliban's claim of responsibility, taped in advance by its top bomb-maker, Qari Hussain Mehsud, and strengthened a few hours later by the release of a videotape allegedly made by Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud on April 4, weeks after he was reported killed by a US missile strike in January, and ignored at the time.

On that nine-minute tape, he vowed retaliation for the killing of Islamist leaders: "The time is very near when our fedayeen will attack the American states in the major cities."

Shortly before he was killed by a US drone in Aug. 2009, his predecessor, Baitullah Mehsud, claimed his movement was now able to execute operations inside the United States.

US security officials did not take this claim seriously. However the evidence against Najibullah Zazi, the Detroit taxi driver charged in February with conspiring to attack the New York subway, reveals that al Qaeda in Pakistan recruited him when he arrived their to join Taliban. The two movements' campaign of violence against the United States and US targets in Pakistan is so closely coordinated as to be virtually interchangeable.

Therefore, when Qari Hussein claimed Taliban was avenging "martyred leaders," he included Abu Omar al Baghdadi, the al Qaeda commander in Iraq killed by a joint US-Iraqi intelligence team in mid-April.

He also warned NATO governments to denounce the US and apologize for "the massacres in Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Pakistani tribal areas - otherwise be prepared for the worst destruction and devastation in their own countries."
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Re: Times Square Car Bomb
« Reply #29 on: May 04, 2010, 08:23:15 AM »
Or once again, the CIA produces its Oswald.

So Michael....President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and many other Democrats in the administration
and Congress are in on this?....or at least they are aware of this just like Michael Tee?..and they all go along with
it? No one blows the cover or leaks what would be an earth shattering story? All these Democrats know
the Obama Central Intelligence Agency headed by life-long Democrat Leon Panetta is staging terror attacks
and arresting what they know are stooges for the staged attacks? Come on Michael you been drinking?
« Last Edit: May 04, 2010, 09:32:34 AM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987