I agree that it is futile to explain anything to sirs or Kramer: neither of them will ever concede a single point on anything. Sirs can look up the Gulf of Tonkin and find out for himself what happened as a result if he wishes, or he can remain triumphantly ignorant. Which generally seems to please him most.
Strange how in a debate forum, when one is supposedly "ignorant", and
facilitates questions to propel debate & "education", the response by messers Tee & Xo is simply more of the above. And yet it's Xo that so frequently complains about the quality of the debate here. More of that mirror thing again
And speaking of ignorant, I've conceded multiple points in the past, most notably to Fatman, Ami, and Prince (non-immigration related)
Again, for all to see, including those who merely visit the saloon