Author Topic: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.  (Read 3806 times)

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Re: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2008, 01:51:38 PM »
BTW if the young guy didn't submit a plan he wouldn't be considered.

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Michael Tee

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Re: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2008, 04:04:42 PM »
If anybody came to me with a plan he'd whipped up on short notice to solve a complex problem, "the most serious since WWII," and told me he'd whipped it up in a week, I'd probably look over the plan, just in case, and then show him the door.  A week isn't long enough to investigate the problem, let alone find the solution.  And all the more so if a week ago the guy didn't even recognize there WAS a problem.


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Re: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.
« Reply #32 on: September 22, 2008, 04:12:35 PM »
If anybody came to me with a plan he'd whipped up on short notice to solve a complex problem, "the most serious since WWII," and told me he'd whipped it up in a week, I'd probably look over the plan, just in case, and then show him the door.  A week isn't long enough to investigate the problem, let alone find the solution.  And all the more so if a week ago the guy didn't even recognize there WAS a problem.

I would look over the plan, digest the gist of it, and have him go back and fine tune it if necessary.

The other guy i would tell that we would keep his resume on file, thank him for applying and tell him we would be in touch if necessary.

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Re: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.
« Reply #33 on: September 22, 2008, 04:21:00 PM »
<<I would look over the plan, digest the gist of it, and have him go back and fine tune it if necessary. >>

THAT'S assuming the plan came from a qualified individual with a clean record. 

When the plan comes from a 72-year-old crook, who's been caught once taking favours from finance-industry crooks, has advisors who got paid millions from the very firms whose collapse is part of the problem, did not even recognize a problem one week before and came up with three solutions in about the same number of days, what are the odds that you'd get a plan you'd want to use for anything other than wiping your own ass?


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Re: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.
« Reply #34 on: September 22, 2008, 05:13:44 PM »
When the plan comes from a 72-year-old crook, who's been caught once taking favours from finance-industry crooks, has advisors who got paid millions from the very firms whose collapse is part of the problem, did not even recognize a problem one week before and came up with three solutions in about the same number of days, what are the odds that you'd get a plan you'd want to use for anything other than wiping your own ass?

Considering the executive search committee had narrowed the search to two major candidates i would think your objections to candidate A's resume are immaterial.

And candidate B still hasn't produced a plan.

Tick tock


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Re: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.
« Reply #35 on: September 22, 2008, 05:46:21 PM »
When the plan comes from a 72-year-old crook, who's been caught once taking favours from finance-industry crooks, has advisors who got paid millions from the very firms whose collapse is part of the problem, did not even recognize a problem one week before and came up with three solutions in about the same number of days, what are the odds that you'd get a plan you'd want to use for anything other than wiping your own ass?

Considering the executive search committee had narrowed the search to two major candidates i would think your objections to candidate A's resume are immaterial.

And candidate B still hasn't produced a plan.

Tick tock

Tick tock?  There is no tick, nor tock here.

Neither McCain not Obama are going to have a plan accepted , because the solution is needed NOW and neither of them has the power to implement anything.

They can only comment on it. So far the comments are pretty unhelpful, but no one is asking for them. No one in power, at least.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

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Re: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.
« Reply #36 on: September 22, 2008, 05:48:41 PM »
I guess for some reason - - obviously desperation - - Obama's failure to come up with a quick fix to this complex problem is portrayed as a stunning indictment of some kind, particularly when his opponent, who at first didn't even recognize a problem, has already come up with THREE different answers in the space of a week.

If one guy is totally out to lunch and the other one is reserving his judgment, do you go for the proven fool or for the one who doesn't panic and rush in with solutions that he doesn't have?

Tick tock tick tock. . .


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Re: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.
« Reply #37 on: September 22, 2008, 06:10:01 PM »
Just can't help with the continued out-of-context dren, can you?  Then again, ends justify the means in lunatic left land
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Re: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.
« Reply #38 on: September 22, 2008, 06:27:39 PM »
What "out of context dren?"

Any rescue plan is going to be (a)very complicated, as this is a complicated mess, and (b) essentially incomprehensible to the average joe, who will be soundly slumbering after the first five minutes. Add to this that Obama has no power to implement any plan now, and some plan needs to be implemented before the election.

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Re: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.
« Reply #39 on: September 22, 2008, 09:31:03 PM »
You got the latter statement partially correct.  It's the completely taking out of context what McCain was referring to in "fundamentals are strong".  Both he and Palin have made it abundantly clear the reference is with the American people that run the economy, they are fundamentally strong, they have tremendous resolve, when working together they can pull us out of any mess we might be in, economically.  But boy oh boy, is the left ready to throw the baby out the window, when it comes to pushing false premices 

BTW, Biden made in more boneheaded rhetorts, as of late?  Oblather demonstrate how much worse he is with economics?  Or is he sticking with the AWOL tactic?
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.
« Reply #40 on: September 22, 2008, 09:55:08 PM »
<<Both he and Palin have made it abundantly clear the reference is with the American people that run the economy, they are fundamentally strong, they have tremendous resolve, when working together they can pull us out of any mess we might be in, economically. >>

ROTFLMFAO.  THAT'S what he meant, is it?  Funny how his original words gave no clue of it.  Not even a  hint. Funny how his economic mentor, Phil Gramm, who also denied any fundamental economic problems, went even further than Insane himself, labeling the American people a "nation of whiners" for even mentioning their economic woes.  Funny how the day after he told us how strong the fundamentals of the economy were, Insane said he'd fire the chairman of the SEC, even though the President has no power to do so.  Oh, he's IN TOUCH, alright.  He's REALLY in touch.  This is the guy you want for your President.  He really knows how to take care of the store for you.

Usually when a person is quoted out of context, the corrections are printed to show the context in which the words were spoken.  Then the reader can judge for himself or herself in what context the words were spoken and whether or not the meaning of the words changes when put in the larger context.  But we don't see that here, and there's a reason for it.  You could publish whatever else Insane was saying at the time, every word of it, and you wouldn't get a clue that he meant anything other than what he said at the time, "The fundamentals of the economy are strong."  Period.

How this wizened little jerk and his anguished handlers must have scrambled, the morning after, to find SOME meaning, ANY meaning, for his monumentally dumb and unfortunate words, other than their plain and simple meaning.  ANYTHING.  Maybe they could be twisted to mean, "The principles of Obama's Muslim faith are strong . . ."  Nope.  "Obama's hatred of America and its people  is strongly . . . ."  Nope.  Finally they settled on "the American worker is strong," never mind that the American worker was never mentioned . . .   Oy vey.

You know that this guy's gonna lose it when he has to run away even faster from his own words than he does from his own President.  This guy has "LOSER" plastered all over his lying little weasel-eyed face and the bimbo at his side ain't gonna help him none, regardless of HOW MANY disgruntled Hillary supporters are gonna drag their treasonous little asses over to his side.  They were worthless to Hillary and they'll be just as worthless to Insane.


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Re: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.
« Reply #41 on: September 23, 2008, 12:09:41 AM »
McCain has shown he can adapt to changing conditions on the ground.

Obama is still waiting for his committee to get back to him.



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Re: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.
« Reply #42 on: September 23, 2008, 12:55:50 AM »
<<Both he and Palin have made it abundantly clear the reference is with the American people that run the economy, they are fundamentally strong, they have tremendous resolve, when working together they can pull us out of any mess we might be in, economically. >>

ROTFLMFAO.  THAT'S what he meant, is it?  Funny how his original words gave no clue of it.  

Funny how he and Palin have explained it over and over again, since the out of context train went downhill.  Yes, I realize it doesn't fit the neat little "stick a fork in him, he's done" proclaimation, becuase, it's so much the better to try and convince folks he has no clue, completely out there, no sense what-so-ever.  But if it's actually what the original intentions of the comments are, well....that's alot harder to make such a case.  Naaaa, let's just keep taking his words completely out of context, and hope the rest of the electorate is dumb enough to believe it, if that lie is repeated often enough

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Re: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.
« Reply #43 on: September 23, 2008, 01:20:09 AM »
<<Funny how he and Palin have explained it over and over again, since the out of context train went downhill.  >>

Yeah, and funny too how the explanation (1) came AFTER it became apparent how fucking stupid the comments were and (2) was completely at variance with anything else he was saying at the time.

To try to morph his original comment on the economy into a comment on the American worker when  nobody had even mentioned the American worker is just desperate and pathetic.

<<Yes, I realize it doesn't fit the neat little "stick a fork in him, he's done" proclaimation, becuase, it's so much the better to try and convince folks he has no clue, completely out there, no sense what-so-ever.>>

Are you kidding or what?  NOBODY has to convince anybody, because it's just so fucking obvious the guy has no clue.   It isn't just "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" turning into "this is the most serious crisis since WWII," hilarious though that may be.  It's EVERYTHING about this pathetic schmuck, like the flip-flop from Monday to Tuesday that he's against the bail-out and then he's for the bail-out, that he'd fire the chairman of the SEC and then he finds out the President can't do that.   I mean STARTING from the fact of this guy graduating fifth from the bottom of an 800-man class and THEN reading through all of these gaffes, HOW MUCH PROOF do you actually need that this guy is a fucking moron?  I get the feeling that another three gaffes and then another three STILL wouldn't convince you that there was anything fundamentally wrong with McCain.

<<But if it's actually what the original intentions of the comments are, well....that's alot harder to make such a case.  >>

Don't you understand the guy is just lying?  That WASN'T the original intentions of the comments because the American worker wasn't even on the fucking radar screen, nobody was referring to the American worker directly or indirectly, and the comment was  "The fundamentals of our economy are strong."  How could that POSSIBLY be taken to mean "the American worker is strong?"  Where is there any evidence that this discussion IN ANY WAY concerned the American worker?  He's just trying to re-write what he actually said.  NOBODY is stupid enough to believe that he didn't mean it, he meant something entirely different.

<<Naaaa, let's just keep taking his words completely out of context, and hope the rest of the electorate is dumb enough to believe it, if that lie is repeated often enough>>

Well, if the words were taken out of context, show us a context in which those words were uttered that demonstrates they were meant to refer to the American worker.  Do you even know what "context" and "out of context" mean?  It means they don't fit in with the rest of the conversation - - if the whole conversation was about the price of apples in Spain, and he says something about the price of apples in Hong Kong, you can argue that the remark was out of context, he MEANT to say Spain, not Hong Kong.  But you can't show one God-damn thing about the context of that remark to indicate it was taken out of context.

In other words, you can parrot the words "out of context" but you can't make them MEAN anything because you can't show ANY context that would give those words a different meaning. 

All that you or Insane can demonstrate is that the next day, when he realized  how stupid his words were, he tried to convince people that he had really meant something entirely different from what he had said. 


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Re: $700 Billion? OK, election's over. Obama wins.
« Reply #44 on: September 23, 2008, 02:20:52 AM »
Actually, all that's being demonstrated is the transparency & desperation of your attacks, be they on McCain, Palin, myself, or anyone else that doesn't agree with you.  You have this absolute need to take a person's 1st quote, take it completely out of context, then proclaim, after processing it thru your twisted Bush is evil, McCain is evil, American military is evil, rant machine, procliam THIS is what so & so meant, and you can forget any futher clarification, Tee has spoken, and it is what it is.
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle