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Re: Obama perfect?
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2008, 11:56:53 PM »
This 57 state thing is no longer a problem. I am pretty sure he knows that there are just fifty by now.

He was tired and meant to say that he had visited 47 states of the fifty.

That is true , things like this never made me dislike Dan Quaile or George Bush 43.


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Re: Obama perfect?
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2008, 03:02:03 PM »
I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican.
Dan Quayle

I deserve respect for the things I did not do.
Dan Quayle

I have made good judgements in the past. I have made good judgements in the future.
Dan Quayle

I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix.
Dan Quayle

I stand by all the misstatements that I've made.
Dan Quayle


Well, at least he didn't invent the internet.
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Re: Obama perfect?
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2008, 11:31:39 PM »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Obama perfect?
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2008, 12:53:25 AM »
Oh, come on, Obama wrote a whole friggin' BOOK about the changes.

Not that you actually read books, but if you really were interested instead of seeing how grotesque a smartass you can be, you could read it.
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Re: Obama perfect?
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2008, 01:02:21 AM »
Oh, come on, Obama wrote a whole friggin' BOOK about the changes.

Not that you actually read books, but if you really were interested instead of seeing how grotesque a smartass you can be, you could read it.

If you have read it you can tell us what he is planning that is diffrent from the liberal standard we have grown accustomed to for the last three decades.


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Re: Obama perfect?
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2008, 01:06:39 AM »

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Obama perfect?
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2008, 10:05:49 AM »
The liberal standard does not include special tax breaks for the rich,
it does not include starting wars pre-emptively, or fat contracts for entire armies of rent-a-cops.

Liberals are cool.

Conservatives have nothing to conserve. They will not shrink government, and have not done so in recent memory. The "conservative" agenda is nothing but an unholy alliance of super rich oligarchs, their fundie religious dupes, and of course the racists they keep in the closet until election day.

It will be fun to watch them go down in smoke and flames.
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Re: Obama perfect?
« Reply #22 on: June 29, 2008, 10:01:25 PM »
The liberal standard does not include special tax breaks for the rich,
it does not include starting wars pre-emptively, or fat contracts for entire armies of rent-a-cops.

Liberals are cool.

Conservatives have nothing to conserve. They will not shrink government, and have not done so in recent memory. The "conservative" agenda is nothing but an unholy alliance of super rich oligarchs, their fundie religious dupes, and of course the racists they keep in the closet until election day.

It will be fun to watch them go down in smoke and flames.

   I am a bit dissapointed in conservative performance since the Republican revolution in 94, such a huge mandate represents a huge missed oppurtunity as the seduction of Washington led the revolutionarys into a slight -ly changed business as usual rather than the real shake up that inspired the voter turnout.

   Looks like you are setting yourself up for a bit of dissapointment too. Barak Obama is all set to make reactionary changes to produce the Democratic agenda as it has been since 68.


Faced with tough choices on fronts ranging from public financing and town hall meetings to warrantless surveillance and the Second Amendment, Obama passed up opportunities to take bold stands and make striking departures from customary politics. Instead, he has followed a familiar tack, straddling controversial issues and choosing politically advantageous routes that will ensure his campaign a cash edge and minimize damaging blowback on several highly sensitive issues.

Obama's embrace of political pragmatism came into sharp focus Thursday with the landmark Supreme Court ruling that overturned Washington, D.C.'s handgun ban and declared for the first time an individual right to possess a gun.

As an Illinois state legislator, Obama generally supported tighter restrictions on firearms and served on the board of a foundation that funded legal scholarship advancing the theory that the Second Amendment does not protect individual gun owners' rights, as well as 14 separate groups that ultimately signed an amicus brief supporting the D.C. ban. 

Shortly before the court decision, Obama sought to sidestep another political land mine over controversial Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act legislation. His support for a government surveillance bill that offers retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies ? a bill that he vowed last year to filibuster ? angered liberal Internet activists who felt betrayed by what they saw as a politically expedient move designed to inoculate himself against GOP charges that he's weak on national security.

But Obama explained it to reporters Wednesday by pointing out that the bill has changed from when he made his filibuster pledge, saying the latest version allayed several concerns, including providing closer oversight of the government surveillance program. Yet it still effectively offers retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies that aided the administration's warrantless wiretapping efforts, a key point Obama said he would oppose. He said Wednesday that he was satisfied with the requirement for an inspector general's review.

The calculations that mark Obama's delicate approach toward the FISA bill and the Supreme Court gun ruling come on the heels of his decision last week to reverse a pledge he made last year to participate in the public financing system in the general election if his Republican opponent agreed to do the same ? a move that made him the first modern presidential candidate to decline public financing in a general election.

McCain has agreed to participate in the system, which provides candidates $84 million in taxpayer cash but limits their campaign spending to that amount. Obama, whose historic fundraising ability was unknown when he made the pledge, is expected to easily surpass that tally.

Though he did not frame it as such, Obama's reversal was widely viewed by campaign finance reformers and editorial boards as a strategic choice to put his likely huge campaign cash advantage over his commitment to government reform.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2008, 10:13:56 PM by Plane »


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Re: Obama perfect?
« Reply #23 on: June 30, 2008, 10:40:36 AM »
 Looks like you are setting yourself up for a bit of dissapointment too. Barak Obama is all set to make reactionary changes to produce the Democratic agenda as it has been since 68.
Do you actually READ these sentences? Is this clear to YOU?

Obama must run a campaign to sympathize with the liberal base of the party in the primary, and then must run as a moderate in the general election, because the voters are different in each election.

This is why McCain has renounced his own former views on immigration, taxes and all manner of other stuff.

Now he says he's for change, too, because only the most brain dead of drooling knuckle-walking morons want another helping of the vile Juniorbush and the repulsive Cheney.

It seems that neither candidate is going to make as lame a VP decision as Juniorbush, either. There is some really serious vetting going on in both parties.

I do not see Obama as a cure-all, as perhaps you did Gingrich.

Gun control will no longer be an issue unless it resurfaces as an amendment to the Constitution, which, like an anti-abortion amendment I don't see as likely.

McCain's scanty fund raising abilities are not really what counts here. It is the GOP, the entire Party, that can raise money from all its lobbyist pals, and a major thrust of 527's after the convention that Obama has to fear. If Obama has to choose between becoming president and losing to a bunch of veiled racist ads, then I see his raising his own money as the wiser choice. Kerry and Dukakis ran miserable campaigns, as did Bob Dole.

No one needs a rerun of 2004 or 2000 or even 1988 or 1996.

It does appear at this moment that McCain is going to do something like a rerun of the Bobdole campaign.
His wife will figure more prominently, though. I mean his PRESENT wife, as McCain has two wives, like Dole.

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Re: Obama perfect?
« Reply #24 on: June 30, 2008, 01:19:24 PM »
"Now he says he's for change, too, because only the most brain dead of drooling knuckle-walking morons want another helping of the vile Juniorbush and the repulsive Cheney."

Interesting thought, XO.

I believe that Obama has a genuine, "country-saving idealistic" view of what we need in this nation, and perhaps he is a bit  far left for some; but the desire for such change has a lot to do with the past administration. We as a nation are tired of this senseless war, and the overkill, lack-of-skill "acts" etc brought about by Bush. Bush apparentlly refuses to look at energy resources that are begging for attention-like wind, solar etc?(Meet the Press this past Sunday)

Your point is right on, but I wonder if people realize why they are voting for Obama instead of McCain. Is it that hope springs eternal? Gas prices, war, frustrations from the right.

This statement of yours, albeit one I believe to be true, is also a statement to be concerned about.

What has Obama promised to do for us as a nation in order to tap into that hopeful spring?
« Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 01:28:38 PM by Cynthia »


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Re: Obama perfect?
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2008, 09:34:38 AM »
What has Obama promised to do for us as a nation in order to tap into that hopeful spring?

Merely by being elected, he would prove to the people of theis country and the world that this was not a racist nation.

He has said he would remove troops as rapidly as possible from Iraq.
He has said that he will try to enact a decent health care policy for everyone.

Generally, he has been talking more about what he is for than what he is against.
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Re: Obama perfect?
« Reply #26 on: July 01, 2008, 02:50:25 PM »
This 57 state thing is no longer a problem. I am pretty sure he knows that there are just fifty by now.

He was tired and meant to say that he had visited 47 states of the fifty.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2008, 02:55:04 PM by Brassmask »


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Re: Obama perfect?
« Reply #27 on: July 01, 2008, 03:04:33 PM »
What has Obama promised to do for us as a nation in order to tap into that hopeful spring?

Merely by being elected, he would prove to the people of theis country and the world that this was not a racist nation.

He has said he would remove troops as rapidly as possible from Iraq.
He has said that he will try to enact a decent health care policy for everyone.

Generally, he has been talking more about what he is for than what he is against.

As a nation we have come a long way in terms of racism, true.

He said he would remove troops from Iraq, but I hope he remains focused on the fight in Afghanistan. He might want to withdraw the troops from Iraq slowly, but surely, however. The chaos of complete cold turkey withdraw will only bring in support from neighboring countries like Iran.

In effect, the president can want for much, but we all know that congress makes the final decision. Sometimes I wonder why we focus so much on a presidential election when there are others running the show.

I know I am voting for Obama for the very reasons you have lined out, Xavier, and of course we are all hoping for a major reform of the NCLB act.

But, we can't stop a speeding train with luggage packed in full, even though it is so ridiculously out of control.


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Re: Obama perfect?
« Reply #28 on: July 01, 2008, 08:15:49 PM »
What has Obama promised to do for us as a nation in order to tap into that hopeful spring?

Merely by being elected, he would prove to the people of theis country and the world that this was not a racist nation.

He has said he would remove troops as rapidly as possible from Iraq.
He has said that he will try to enact a decent health care policy for everyone.

Generally, he has been talking more about what he is for than what he is against.

As a nation we have come a long way in terms of racism, true.

He said he would remove troops from Iraq, but I hope he remains focused on the fight in Afghanistan. He might want to withdraw the troops from Iraq slowly, but surely, however. The chaos of complete cold turkey withdraw will only bring in support from neighboring countries like Iran.

In effect, the president can want for much, but we all know that congress makes the final decision. Sometimes I wonder why we focus so much on a presidential election when there are others running the show.

I know I am voting for Obama for the very reasons you have lined out, Xavier, and of course we are all hoping for a major reform of the NCLB act.

But, we can't stop a speeding train with luggage packed in full, even though it is so ridiculously out of control.

So you expect the diffrence in methods to be stubtle at first?

But you are expecting a serious diffrence in goals?

That is exactly what I expect and what I don't like.


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Re: Obama perfect?
« Reply #29 on: July 01, 2008, 09:10:45 PM »
Splain, Plane...
Why not?