First, you can admit that the 9/11 terrorists were here legally, correct? In fact, they really did nothing exceptionally illegal until they hijacked those planes, correct?
Close: All of them entered the country legally on a temporary visa, mostly tourist visas with entry permits for six months. Although four of them attended flight school in the United States, only one is known to have entered on an appropriate visa for such study, and one entered on an F-1 student visa. And at least three of them had fallen out of their temporary visa status and were, therefore, in the United States illegally
Also, there has never been WMD smuggled over the border, correct?
Did I say there were? Are you implying we need to wait to see some go off before doing something about it? I sure as hell hope that's not what you're advocating
Did the 9/11 commission ask for any more border security with Mexico? You think because they didn't outline specific border enforcement, then border enforcement isn't a problem with keeping terrorists out? Wasn't the 911 commission mandated to look at the causes of 911 specifically, where we failed specifically, and what we could have done better specifically to prevent 911? As you already mentioned, most of these folks were already here legally. Had anyone crossed the border illegally, it's likely the commission would have addressed that then, now wouldn't it have
If these individuals, who are working, were given health insurance as a benefit to their work - would that ease the burden on the health care system?
What do you mean "given"? Healthcare COSTS someone. It costs the individual, the employer, the taxpayers, or all the above. Originally, Healthcare was a perk provided for by various companies & employers to entice folks to come be an employee of theirs. It was merely an incentive. People were required to be responsible for their own healthcare, which brings us to the core issue.....Healthcare is not a right. Providing a service is not a right
Again, can you answer the question without conditionals first? As it is they must go to the ER.
Well considering that's the area that is most at risk of collapse, to which I referenced, I'd say ER's, Trauma Centers, and Urgent Care centers are a necessary qualifier to my entire commentary, regarding the Healthcare aspect of this discussion