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Re: Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2012, 07:29:54 PM »
I don't see anyone opposed to legal immigration.
And no, the GOP Mantra, is come to our country, but do it legally please.

SIRS....we allow more people in here than any place in the world.
But the Democrats need more "Santa Claus recipients"
Ya see that's their game...the more dependents they can create
the more power and votes they get.
it's really sick when you think about it.
the more unemployment they help foster
the more housing crashes
the more coal factories they shut down
the more people will want/need gvt help
which is their prime sales tool
steal from Peter to pay for Paul's vote
that's why we's difficult to run against and beat Santa Claus

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Re: Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2012, 07:40:18 PM »
I don't see anyone opposed to legal immigration.
And no, the GOP Mantra, is come to our country, but do it legally please.

SIRS....we allow more people in here than any place in the world.
But the Democrats need more "Santa Claus recipients"
Ya see that's their game...the more dependents they can create
the more power and votes they get.
it's really sick when you think about it.[/color]

There is a method to the madness.....its now a #'s game.  The more folks that can either be working for the Government or dependent on the Government, the greater the power base for those who wish to "fundamentally change the way we do business in Washington".  And when you get a majority of the electorate......well, you get get Greece

All "well intentioned" of course, and if you don't support the intentions of those who preach tolerance and diversity for differing POV's...well, you hate people, immigrants, children, elderly, homosexuals, women, yada, blah, etc.  Nevermind the support for LEGAL immigration.  Nevermind the amount of charity folks do, especially from the conservative side of the political isle.  What you do with your money is just greedy or self serving.  Isn't it far better for a 3rd party to better to take and spend your money......for your own good?

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Re: Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2012, 07:55:44 PM »
So, if they're already American citizens, what's the problem?

Ask CU4. He's the one who ignored that fact and seems to think there should be some sort of income and language requirement for them to become a state.
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Re: Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2012, 08:02:42 PM »
Why should they become a state?  We have American Citizens all across the globe, of all stripes of income and language.  Establish a residence here, and enjoy.  poof, no problem at all
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Re: Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2012, 08:11:26 PM »
To have representation in Congress, among other reasons.

Why shouldn't they? The citizens have voted for it in a referendum.

Are you saying their vote should be ignored?
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Re: Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum
« Reply #20 on: November 08, 2012, 08:14:23 PM »
We have American Citizens all across the globe, of all stripes of income and language.  Establish a residence here, and enjoy representation.  Poof, problem solved
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Re: Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2012, 08:17:31 PM »
Sure. And by your logic, we should only have the 13 original states. Let's strip the senators and representatives from all the rest, give them no representaton in federal government, poof, turn 37 states back to being territories.

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Re: Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2012, 08:24:14 PM »
No, by my logic, we currently have 50 states.  Residence allows one to vote and have representation, if that's the big issue.  IF being the operable word

If the issue is how many more extrememly dependent folks we can turn over to a Government already trillions in debt with the current citizenry its trying to control, restocking even more votes for those politicians who push such an agenda, and mask it as a representation issue, then yea, I can see your point
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Re: Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2012, 08:29:44 PM »
The issue is simply what it was for the other 37 states to become states - the majority of the citizens of those territories voted in favor, they applied to become states, were approved...Simple.

Do we now start drawing the line at per capita income, or perhaps not speaking English as a first language, or maybe their skin tone is a shade darker?

It is not hard to see why yours is not seen as the party of inclusion, if your reaction is any indication.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2012, 08:48:42 PM by hnumpah »
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Re: Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum
« Reply #24 on: November 08, 2012, 09:57:26 PM »
Establish a residence here, and enjoy.  poof, no problem at all

SIRS most Puerto Ricans already live and vote in America for obvious reasons.
This is nothing but the Democrats wanting two more Senate seats.
Next they will start trying to make every Indian Reservation a new state to get more socialist senators.
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Re: Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum
« Reply #25 on: November 08, 2012, 09:59:07 PM »
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Re: Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum
« Reply #26 on: November 08, 2012, 10:10:31 PM »
I can't imagine what it must be like to live in such a paranoid state...everything is some sort of nefarious plot...everyone is out to get your money and undermine your way of life...look out, the lizard men are out to rule the world...or is it the Freemasons?
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Re: Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum
« Reply #27 on: November 08, 2012, 10:54:55 PM »
Residence allows one to vote and have representation, if that's the big issue. 

If the issue is how many more extremely dependent folks we can turn over to a Government already trillions in debt with the current citizenry its trying to control, restocking even more votes for those politicians who push such an agenda, including a new pair of Senate seats, and mask it as a representation issue.....well......apparently we can safely *gasp* assume which issue you're coming down on     8)

On 2nd thought, perhaps that's going to far in "assuming what you're thinking".  Perhaps you just don't care, let them all in, and screw the repercussions.  If the country goes further into debt trying to support the mass increase, so be it.  If they happen to vote all Democrat, no skin off your back

You see H, this isn't about Cu4 or myself being paranoid about anything, outside of watching the destruction of this country at the hands of the far left.  So anything that is likely to speed that along, well, I can't speak for C, but personally, I'm not going to be embracing it.  Which brings me back full circle, if its simply a matter of they're being represented, by all means, relocate within the U.S.  Folks like myself embrace legal immigration, and if they're already citizens, so much the easier. 

But no, just because Obama wins, and the timing is ripe for the notion of a nation like PR to want to have its big brother U.S. fully take them in, with the added 2 Dem Senators to boot....well, no, that's not going to happen
« Last Edit: November 08, 2012, 11:37:37 PM by sirs »
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Re: Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum
« Reply #28 on: November 09, 2012, 02:13:55 AM »
Residence allows one to vote and have representation, if that's the big issue. 

So your solution is a mass immigration of Puerto Ricans, so that they can enjoy the full rights and privileges of the citizens of the other 50 states. That seems in direct contrast to CU's position. 

There are three options.



Status Quo.

The people this time has chosen Statehood.

This issue is not much different than granting Statehood to the residents of DC who also do not have the full rights and privileges of residents of these 50 States.

And just to clear up any partisan misinformation. This last statehood initiative was led by the GOP Governor of Puerto Rico Luis Fortuno who i believe also spoke at the GOP convention.


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Re: Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum
« Reply #29 on: November 09, 2012, 03:21:32 AM »
Residence allows one to vote and have representation, if that's the big issue

So your solution is a mass immigration of Puerto Ricans, so that they can enjoy the full rights and privileges of the citizens of the other 50 states.

So long as they set up a residence.  They are U.S. citizens, or so I'm told

That seems in direct contrast to CU's position

Not sure where its required that we must have 100% agreement on positions, or even have to agree

There are three options.


no, though I grasp whey they're trying to do it, right now


Sure, if they wish.  Still doesn't give them American voting rights, but that's their choice

And just to clear up any partisan misinformation. This last statehood initiative was led by the GOP Governor of Puerto Rico Luis Fortuno who i believe also spoke at the GOP convention.

And that's supposed to mean what, exactly?  Because a Republican proffered it, conservatives are required to embrace it??
« Last Edit: November 09, 2012, 02:26:33 PM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle