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Sorry Libs
The NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats,
Not the Other Way Around

By Jim Hoft on Monday

December 3, 2012
On September 28, 1868, a mob of Democrats massacred nearly 300 African-American Republicans in Opelousas, Louisiana. The savagery began when racist Democrats attacked a newspaper editor, a white Republican and schoolteacher for ex-slaves. Several African-Americans rushed to the assistance of their friend, and in response, Democrats went on a "Negro hunt," killing every African-American (all of whom were Republicans) in the area they could find. (Via Grand Old Partisan)

Which brings us to today

Jason Whitlock, the Kansas City columnist whose article on Jovan Belcher's murder-suicide inspired an anti-gun rant by NBC?s Bob Costas, now says that the pro-Second Amendment National Rifle Association is "the new KKK," Newsbusters' Tim Graham reported Monday.

Obviously, Whitlock is as ignorant as he is offensive.

The NRA actually helped blacks defend themselves from violent KKK Democrats in the south, not the other way around.

For an idea of how gun control laws worked: Following the firebombing of his house in 1956, Dr. Martin Luther King, who was, among other things, a Christian minister, applied for a gun permit, but the Alabama authorities found him unsuitable. A decade later, he won a Nobel Peace Prize.

How's that "may issue" gun permit policy working for you?

The NRA opposed these discretionary gun permit laws and proceeded to grant NRA charters to blacks who sought to defend themselves from Klan violence, including the great civil rights hero Robert F. Williams.

A World War II Marine veteran, Williams returned home to Monroe, N.C., to find the Klan riding high, beating, lynching and murdering blacks at will. No one would join the NAACP for fear of Klan reprisals. Williams became president of the local chapter and increased membership from six to more than 200.

But it was not until he got a charter from the NRA in 1957 and founded the Black Armed Guard that the Klan got their comeuppance in Monroe.

Williams' repeated thwarting of violent Klan attacks is described in his stirring book, "Negroes With Guns." In one crucial battle, the Klan sieged the home of a black physician and his wife, but Williams and his Black Armed Guard stood sentry and repelled the larger, cowardly force. And that was the end of it.

As the Klan found out, it's not so much fun when the rabbit's got the gun.

The NRA's proud history of fighting the Klan has been airbrushed out of the record by those who were complicit with the KKK, Jim Crow and racial terror, to wit: the Democrats.

Sadly, Whitlock will get away with his outrageous lies.
The early KKK Democrats would be proud.

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Re: NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2012, 06:57:34 PM »
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Re: NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2012, 09:53:22 AM »
Yeah, right.

Just after Dr King was refused a gun permit, the president of the NRA came immediately and gave him a permit and a brand new shiny Colt revolver and free admission to the Montgomery Gun Range.
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Re: NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2012, 11:06:22 AM »
IIRC, no NRA president has the power to provide ANY permit to carry.    ::)
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Re: NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2012, 01:35:45 PM »

April 18, 2012

Liberals have leapt on the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida to push for the repeal of "stand your ground" laws and to demand tighter gun control. (MSNBC'S Karen Finney blamed "the same people who stymied gun regulation at every point.")

This would be like demanding more funding for the General Services Administration after seeing how its employees blew taxpayer money on a party weekend in Las Vegas.

We don't know the facts yet, but let's assume the conclusion MSNBC is leaping to is accurate: George Zimmerman stalked a small black child and murdered him in cold blood, just because he was black.

If that were true, every black person in America should get a gun and join the National Rifle Association, America's oldest and most august civil rights organization.

Apparently this has occurred to no one because our excellent public education system ensures that no American under the age of 60 has the slightest notion of this country's history.

Gun control laws were originally promulgated by Democrats to keep guns out of the hands of blacks. This allowed the Democratic policy of slavery to proceed with fewer bumps and, after the Civil War, allowed the Democratic Ku Klux Klan to menace and murder black Americans with little resistance.

(Contrary to what illiterates believe, the KKK was an outgrowth of the Democratic Party, with overlapping membership rolls. The Klan was to the Democrats what the American Civil Liberties Union is today: Not every Democrat is an ACLU'er, but every ACLU'er is a Democrat. Same with the Klan.)

In 1640, the very first gun control law ever enacted on these shores was passed in Virginia. It provided that blacks -- even freemen -- could not own guns.

Chief Justice Roger Taney's infamous opinion in Dred Scott v. Sandford circularly argued that blacks could not be citizens because if they were citizens, they would have the right to own guns: "t would give them the full liberty," he said, "to keep and carry arms wherever they went."

With logic like that, Republicans eventually had to fight a Civil War to get the Democrats to give up slavery.

Alas, they were Democrats, so they cheated.

After the war, Democratic legislatures enacted "Black Codes," denying black Americans the rights of citizenship -- such as the rather crucial one of bearing arms -- while other Democrats (sometimes the same Democrats) founded the Ku Klux Klan.

For more than a hundred years, Republicans have aggressively supported arming blacks, so they could defend themselves against Democrats.

The original draft of the Anti-Klan Act of 1871 -- passed at the urging of Republican president Ulysses S. Grant -- made it a federal felony to "deprive any citizen of the United States of any arms or weapons he may have in his house or possession for the defense of his person, family, or property." This section was deleted from the final bill only because it was deemed both beyond Congress' authority and superfluous, inasmuch as the rights of citizenship included the right to bear arms.

Under authority of the Anti-Klan Act, President Grant deployed the U.S. military to destroy the Klan, and pretty nearly completed the job.

But the Klan had a few resurgences in the early and mid-20th century. Curiously, wherever the Klan became a political force, gun control laws would suddenly appear on the books.

This will give you an idea of how gun control laws worked. Following the firebombing of his house in 1956, Dr. Martin Luther King, who was, among other things, a Christian minister, applied for a gun permit, but the Alabama authorities found him unsuitable. A decade later, he won a Nobel Peace Prize.

How's that "may issue" gun permit policy working for you?

The NRA opposed these discretionary gun permit laws and proceeded to grant NRA charters to blacks who sought to defend themselves from Klan violence -- including the great civil rights hero Robert F. Williams.

A World War II Marine veteran, Williams returned home to Monroe, N.C., to find the Klan riding high -- beating, lynching and murdering blacks at will. No one would join the NAACP for fear of Klan reprisals. Williams became president of the local chapter and increased membership from six to more than 200.

But it was not until he got a charter from the NRA in 1957 and founded the Black Armed Guard that the Klan got their comeuppance in Monroe.

Williams' repeated thwarting of violent Klan attacks is described in his stirring book, "Negroes With Guns." In one crucial battle, the Klan sieged the home of a black physician and his wife, but Williams and his Black Armed Guard stood sentry and repelled the larger, cowardly force. And that was the end of it.

As the Klan found out, it's not so much fun when the rabbit's got the gun.

The NRA's proud history of fighting the Klan has been airbrushed out of the record by those who were complicit with the KKK, Jim Crow and racial terror, to wit: the Democrats.

In the preface to "Negroes With Guns," Williams writes: "I have asserted the right of Negroes to meet the violence of the Ku Klux Klan by armed self-defense -- and have acted on it. It has always been an accepted right of Americans, as the history of our Western states proves, that where the law is unable, or unwilling, to enforce order, the citizens can, and must act in self-defense against lawless violence."

Contrary to MSNBC hosts, I do not believe the shooting in Florida is evidence of a resurgent KKK. But wherever the truth lies in that case, gun control is always a scheme of the powerful to deprive the powerless of the right to self-defense.
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Re: NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2012, 10:27:41 AM »
Let me give you a little clue, CU4numbnuts, what you posted in the thread opening. The Democrats in 1868 are the Rebuplicans of today. The South was the Democratic parties stronghold. Now, it's the Republican parties stronghold. You are the ones that massacured the African Americans.



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Re: NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2012, 11:27:26 AM »
Minus of course any facts to substantiate the ignorant accusation
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Re: NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2012, 12:17:10 PM »
Most of the hardline Kluxers of the 1960's are deceased, or far too old to make much of a difference today. But of course, after LBJ for the Civil Rights Bill passed, the Kluxers mostly abandoned the Democratic Party for the GOP.The GOP in places like Mississippi, Alabama and South Carolina was politically insignificant until 1964.

The fact is that the NRA does NOT move a muscle to protect Dr King, Medgar Edwards, and the SNCC, NAACP and other groups to get guns or permits or to defend them in any way.

The NRA was much less influential before the Vietnam War, and far more concerned with hunters than the right to bear arms.

It is always fun to make up phony history, but it really convinces few thinking people.
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Re: NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2012, 02:29:14 PM »
"Minus of course any facts to substantiate the ignorant accusation"

Ha ha, it's a good thing being ignorant is a criminal offense, Sirs, you'd have gotten life long ago.



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Re: NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2012, 02:33:47 PM »
Facts to a toe tag kryptonite to superman.  Fold like warm jello, and throw insults.  In this case the ignorance being that the GOP is supposedly home to the modern day kkk folks.  Don't worry B, we won't indict you for your offense    8)

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2012, 02:39:23 PM »
"In this case the ignorance being that the GOP is supposedly home to the modern day kkk folks"

Which it is you dumb fuck.



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Re: NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2012, 02:45:31 PM »
Which factually, it is not, you #@*&$*@#*%    ::)

gads, such a potty mouth

But by all means, presents some facts to back up the asinine claim.  Your say so doesn't cut it.  "Code words" that supposeldy only liberals can identify, doesn't cut it.  FACTS actually cuts it.  Ball in your court
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Re: NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2012, 03:24:08 PM »
The Democrats in 1868 are the Rebuplicans of today.

democrats have usually been the party abusive towards african americans
it's actually quite well documented
a Democrat founded the Ku Klux Klan
the Democrat Party in the South instituted Jim Crow Laws
the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by a higher percentage
of Republicans than Democrats in both houses of Congress
LBJ said "I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years"
Before LBJ's Great Society welfare programs,
the black illegitimacy rate was as low as 23 percent,
but now it has more than tripled to 72 percent
today it's really no different
it was democrats in 1950-60's standing at the school house door
trying to keep blacks from attending better schools
and today it is once again democrats standing at the school house door
only this time the democrats are trying to keep blacks inside the failing schools
democrats oppose school choice trying to protect the unions as well as
keep blacks in failing schools so they will not be educated and be dependent on gvt
it's really quite sad the democrats and the left is so racist
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 05:12:26 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
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Re: NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2012, 03:31:45 PM »
See?  THAT would be mostly facts that Cu4 is using to back up his position.  No "code words", nothing nefariously inferred that supposedly only smart liberals can claim to know, just simple facts and time line, with one of the most egregious the ongoing effort to keep minority parents from being able to be given more choice as to where to send their kids for a better education.  The party of pro-choice is anything but, when it comes to education
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Re: NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2012, 11:51:15 PM »
Most of the hardline Kluxers of the 1960's are deceased, or far too old to make much of a difference today. But of course, after LBJ for the Civil Rights Bill passed, the Kluxers mostly abandoned the Democratic Party for the GOP.The GOP in places like Mississippi, Alabama and South Carolina was politically insignificant until 1964.

The fact is that the NRA does NOT move a muscle to protect Dr King, Medgar Edwards, and the SNCC, NAACP and other groups to get guns or permits or to defend them in any way.

The NRA was much less influential before the Vietnam War, and far more concerned with hunters than the right to bear arms.

It is always fun to make up phony history, but it really convinces few thinking people.

Let me correct a little detail there.

The GOP in places like Mississippi, Alabama and South Carolina was politically insignificant until 1981.

There, that is more realistic.

Mississippi first post reconstruction Republican Govenor---1991,  Kirk Fordice

Alabama first post reconstruction Republican Govenor---1986, Guy Hunt

South Carolina first post reconstruction Republican Govenor---1975, James B. Edwards   Succeeded by Richard Wilson Riley Democrat

Georgia  first post reconstruction Republican Govenor---2002 Sonny Perdue

That you believe the phony history strongly does not make it genuine.