There was a wacko Mexican guy at NMSU named Montestruc who was a fan of the John Birchers, and a Texan named Ed that was obsessed with a book called the Ordeal of Otto Otipka, about some bureaucrat who was demoted to a job in an empty room where he had to sit all day doing nothing to get paid by the Defense Dept. Of course, he used the time to write this book. NO one I knew took either of these guys seriously, and we laughed at them behind their backs. Otto Otipka was convinced that the Soviets were taking over because they ignored him. Montestruc believed that the Red Chinese had a plan to take over the US by poisoning everyone with fluoridated water, a common Bircher belief.
They were perhaps less loony than the current right wingers, who seem poised to support Trump to avoid Hillary turning the US into a
Communist state.
No one had been convicted so far as I know of "hate speech" for saying really stupid shit.