Perhaps you will be able to predict his rather low grade with a lot of certainty.
Why did you give him that low grade? What is wrong with you?
You could see that low grade coming, so it is you that is responsible for it.
I passed out grade summaries every two weeks. Grades were calculated strictly by the numbers: grades on tests, homework and oral participation- which included attendance. I invited students to come to my office if they wished for advice. Some did, most of the failing students did not.
This is a crappy analogy, because I did not create my students. They were NOT a product of my design. God, since he does EVERYTHING, according to you DID create all of us, knowing everything about us in every way from diaper to shroud.
There is no bingo, sirs, You are incapable of Bingo.
Again. if God knows what you will do before you do it, he is the one responsible for creating the mind that you use to make all your decisions, he made the calculator that will say that 1+1=3 and you will; be held accountable for it . If God is omniscient, you are a meat puppet. We are all meat puppets.
If there is a God, He is not the monstrosity the Bible claims, and he cannot be omniscient if we have free will.
AS I said, there are numerous scenes in the Bible in which God predicts the future erroneously, and others in which God seems unaware before an event how it will turn out.
You can find these online if you care to.