I find your belief in angels quaint. Why would an omnipotent God need helpers? You are surely aware that the usual depictions of an angel would be incapable of flight due to the laws of physics.
But okay, let us say there are angels. But if they did not have free will, then how was it that Lucifer decided to rebel?
Surely an omnipotent and omnibenevolent deity would be able to design a non rebellious angel.
There are supposedly lots and lots of angels, organized in ranks and castes and such, but we have only been informed of several names. Abaddon, Beelzebul, Gabriel, Michael, and Satan. Three are fallen angels and two serve God. I have also heard the name Azuriel. he is the Hebrew angel of death. And there is Metatron, the 'Voice of God'
Gargamel's cat bears his name. Gargamel is the enemy of the Smurfs, and the creator of Smurfette, the only female Smurf.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AngelI believe in angels about as much as I believe in Smurfs.