A logical conclusion is never puny, you drooling imbecile.
Your problem is that you keep trying to apply your puny human brain for "logic" in addressing God, who transcends all manner of scientific method, or "logic", you unthinking neanderthal.
You are basically saying that it is simply unthinkable to try to make any sense of your core beliefs, and not only that, but no one else has a right to, either.
It's not a matter of "making sense", its a matter of faith. You believe, or you don't. And it has SQUAT to do with rights, since you can chose, not to believe.
You are saying that your determination to remain ignorant is preferable to all possible rational thought.
Not even close. What I'm saying is God is God, as in there's nothing scientific about him, nor the ability for ANY human to comprehend him, much less someone who actively has chosen not to believe, so will concoct whatever atheist rant gets him the biggest bang for his buck. Rational thought is applied to aspects of this reality. Faith, on the other hand, is simply that....faith.