Author Topic: Haditha is on Frountline  (Read 14700 times)

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Re: Haditha is on Frountline
« Reply #60 on: February 26, 2008, 10:23:56 PM »
Now Now, Hp....I think that if one reads between the lines, Rich is expressing his own thoughts. I wonder why we jump on people for being left of right.....why can't one just debate and move on.
Rich is rich with pissiness, this is true, but I haven't read anytihng in this thread that spells out such as you have accused. Perhaps I am wrong, but he does believe in something in his heart. ....just as we all. I may have to re read his post..but I thought it was just "Richpo's way" of finding that strategy to debate.

I might be wrong.
I'll have to re read both your posts.

Well, I don't know who Hp is  ;D  But speaking for me Cynthia, I'm just tired of seeing it.  There are people on the right and left who manage to articulate their views with respect to disagreeing viewpoints, and I respect them for that.  The problem that I have with Rich is this: everything is absolute.  No ifs, ands, or buts.  No room for an opposing viewpoint.  No effort to try and see that viewpoint.  Everything is black and white, cut and dried.

Things don't work that way in the real world, most things are grey.  Even the red and blue states, when taken as a whole, are more purple than anything.  I had a good and respectful debate with Rich awhile back about gay marriage.  I like debates like that.  I don't like debates where people are derided and given malicious nicknames.  It's crude and unworthy of the intelligence of the people here.  My above post is substantial departure from the way that I usually post.  I decided to give him a dose of his own medicine, because I'm sick of seeing it.  Maybe I need to take a break for awhile too, something to think about the next few days.

Hello Fatman,

The way I see it is that you have every right to give RichPo a dose of his own medicine. His medicine is "his"....but that doesn't mean he is the wizard of F'*ing Oz..ok so the teacher knows a few words.....gulp

seriously, you speak up damn your thoughts are your thoughts....I don't see you trashing Rich or others. Rich, you have to admit you are a bit of what we call on the playground....A BULLY!! be it....if Rich has something concrete to say...listen, if he has something "else" to say....thus offend to the hand.

Debating is struggling with and concentrating on, divulging one's complete thoughts on a subject...not being as ass.

I am always up for a read if the printer has something concrete to offer.

Continue on ...fatman. talk to us. I am one of your supporters.



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Re: Haditha is on Frountline
« Reply #61 on: February 26, 2008, 10:33:03 PM »

I'm not interested.

Yes, you are. You are a latent gay man.
What do you think about that statment? about calling you richpothole would you like that? oooo..a woman has called you a will trash me like you trash others. why?
You are an angry man, Rich...and it's sickening....ok call me on the carpet bt for calling a meanspirited male on the car pit.

How much more degrading can you be towards Fatman?

God, you are mean.


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Re: Haditha is on Frountline
« Reply #62 on: February 26, 2008, 11:00:21 PM »
Yes, you are. You are a latent gay man.

I really hope not.  That would be giving latent homosexuals a bad name.

You are an angry man, Rich...and it's sickening....ok call me on the carpet bt for calling a meanspirited male on the car pit.

I'm not sure if Rich is angry or if he's just ignorant and has a poor sense of humor.  Perhaps he may be willing to clarify?

How much more degrading can you be towards Fatman?

If it were just me Cynthia, I wouldn't have a problem.  The problem that I have is that it's anyone who disagrees with him or his politics.  Cindy Shemale, losertarian, Ms. Divine, Princess, BO, and those are just in the past couple of days.  I am aware that there are people in this forum who don't like that I'm homosexual.  I can live with that, people have a right to believe what they choose to believe.  I haven't seen any of them other than Rich make crass comments about it.  There are plenty of names that I could come up with for Rich and post, but I don't, because I don't want to stoop quite that far down.  So I just give him back what he gives.

God, you are mean.

I've dealt with meaner.

And I dont want this to be a pile on Rich party, or a pity the fatman party.  I'm quite capable of defending myself.   ;D


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Re: Haditha is on Frountline
« Reply #63 on: February 26, 2008, 11:32:45 PM »

I'm not interested.

Yes, you are. You are a latent gay man.
What do you think about that statment? about calling you richpothole would you like that? oooo..a woman has called you a will trash me like you trash others. why?
You are an angry man, Rich...and it's sickening....ok call me on the carpet bt for calling a meanspirited male on the car pit.

How much more degrading can you be towards Fatman?

God, you are mean.
So, I am sure BT is listening...?
"Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for western civilization as it commits suicide."
                                 -- Jerry Pournelle, Ph.D


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Re: Haditha is on Frountline
« Reply #64 on: February 26, 2008, 11:41:49 PM »
>>Yes, you are. You are a latent gay man.<<


Yeah, that must be it.


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Re: Haditha is on Frountline
« Reply #65 on: February 26, 2008, 11:43:03 PM »
>>So, I am sure BT is listening...?<<

I doubt it. But it's all my fault anyway, so whatever.


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Re: Haditha is on Frountline
« Reply #66 on: February 26, 2008, 11:44:49 PM »
Ok fatman,

Let's be have damn.
Rich is not appropriate, and he isn't going to change.

Don't be so nice.

HE's not worth the comb over, at this point in time.

When a person is a bully, gawd damn it...we step up and hold bully proofing classes to deal with such our schools.

Richpo is a magnet for madness and he can do harm. It's time he stops that crap. But he wont in here....I disagree, it's about time to have a richpo party to help him sip the Kool-aid a bit faster.

He would no more care for your needs than he man in the mad moon....and Richpo, as much as your scare the shit out of me to even say these are wrong. You have been as mean as a desert snake.

I will not reply to his wrath against warned. He will pull his gun out and shoot the crap out of me here...but I am a civil and compassionate person, and be damned, I am not going to let a bully go without consequence.



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Re: Haditha is on Frountline
« Reply #67 on: February 26, 2008, 11:48:10 PM »
Wow ... you two really are something.

So here's what's going to happen next. I'm going to ignore both of you freaks. I will not respond to you. I will not refer to you in any way. I've flushed both you turds for good.



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Re: Haditha is on Frountline
« Reply #68 on: February 27, 2008, 12:02:40 AM »
Wow ... you two really are something.

So here's what's going to happen next. I'm going to ignore both of you freaks. I will not respond to you. I will not refer to you in any way. I've flushed both you turds for good.

Ok, I am responding....I am.
Good. Thanks.

As an Irish Catholic, I can only wish you well, Rich.....will you ever be able to see yourself as
"something" and stop the madness?

Who gives a crap what you do to us in your toilet....To wear the shamrock is a crock...I am Irish and you, sir are not a Irish Catholic have a long way to grow. . .  stop the insults, and you might make something of yourself.

My god, man....I deal with such children daily...calling names..."gay boy" etc, yes,even in the 3rd grade. When are the boomer generation of human beings going to wake up and see that children (who really only mimic what they hear on the outside world stage) have the unfortunate reasoning to call names and put down one another? Why is it that grown adults have to find that path and rest on the limb of meanspiritness in order to make a point. It's boring. It's a waste. It's old. It's not even worth the Disneychannel stuff.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2008, 12:07:17 AM by Cynthia »


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Re: Haditha is on Frountline
« Reply #69 on: February 27, 2008, 12:08:55 AM »
Richpo is a magnet for madness and he can do harm. It's time he stops that crap. But he wont in here....I disagree, it's about time to have a richpo party to help him sip the Kool-aid a bit faster.

It's not on me to expect my standards from other people in here. 

But a modicum of civility and respect, I don't think that's asking too much.  If I wanted Rich banned (I don't) I would have talked to a moderator or bt about it (I haven't).  Rich has shown he can be good and carry a coherent debate.

I'd just like to see that again.


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Re: Haditha is on Frountline
« Reply #70 on: February 27, 2008, 12:10:50 AM »
Wow ... you two really are something.

So here's what's going to happen next. I'm going to ignore both of you freaks. I will not respond to you. I will not refer to you in any way. I've flushed both you turds for good.

I'm not too worried, it might take a day or two, maybe even a week, and you'll be spouting off like your old self.  This is kind of like the time you were going to save all of us assholes the trouble right?

What was that saying Truman had about the heat?  Something about staying out of the kitchen?


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Re: Haditha is on Frountline
« Reply #71 on: February 27, 2008, 12:26:11 AM »
Too much time spent on Rich.

Hey Fatman, tell me about you. Where are you at in terms of politics?



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Re: Haditha is on Frountline
« Reply #72 on: February 27, 2008, 12:54:40 AM »
Hey Fatman, tell me about you. Where are you at in terms of politics?

You mean in terms of my political beliefs?  To put it simply, I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal.  I prefer a near isolationist foreign policy but am not unaware of the importance of diplomacy, war, and detente with ideological enemies.  The Presidents that I most admired in the past century were Eisenhower and Nixon.

Fiscally conservative

Balance the budget.  We can't run on credit forever, and spending like drunken sailors is only speeding our car toward the bridge abutment.  Running a government on borrowed money is like running your household finances on payday loans.  Pare the bureaucracy to a manageable size.  There is something to the quote "The Bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy".  We don't need a special committee, council, or agency for every political whimsy that pops up.  We should demand and expect efficiency from our elected officals.

Socially Liberal

I support gay marriage/civil unions/domestic partnerships.  Though I disagree with abortion personally, and have minimal reservations as to limiting that "right", I am not of the mind that it should be banned in totality.  I believe that if you give the government an inch on anything, it will consider it a mandate to take a mile.  Thus I am not in favor of the government spreading its influence onto matters it was not originally intended for, such as UHC, gun control, medical (or recreational) marijuana.


Eisenhower kept the Russians at bay.  Ended Korea.  Presided over an era of prosperity and peace, and the beginning of federal enforcement of civil rights.  Faced down McCarthy and his hysterics.  Nixon took over the country in its most turbulent hour since the Civil War.  Ended the Viet Nam conflict.  Established OSHA and the EPA.  Opened the door to China.  Entered into detente, which in my opinion, had more to do with the eventual collapse of the Eastern Block that Reagan.  Glasnost had its roots in detente.


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Re: Haditha is on Frountline
« Reply #73 on: February 27, 2008, 01:14:05 AM »
Well, we do agree on the "fiscal conservative" issue. Both Democrats and Republicans are adept at spending money irresponsibly, I am afraid.

"Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for western civilization as it commits suicide."
                                 -- Jerry Pournelle, Ph.D


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Re: Haditha is on Frountline
« Reply #74 on: February 27, 2008, 01:24:03 AM »

I'm not sure what you mean Prof?  I'll assume you want my opinion of Reagan, if you meant something other please feel free to correct me.

I don't think Reagan was a bad President, but I don't think he was a great one either.  I have mixed feelings on the military buildup, though I do agree with the need for a "Star Wars" program.  I think that Meese was a poor choice for AG, though GHW Bush was a good choice for VP.  He was a little too close to the religious right for my taste, ignoring the AIDS thing when it first started to get going was a bad decision, that I think was influenced more by politics than by any intentional disregard or an uncaring aspect of Reagans character.  I regret that he wasn't younger and wish that he hadn't developed Alzheimer's, so that we could have gained a little insight into his Administration and thinking.