Author Topic: The Facts In Iraq Are Changing  (Read 28153 times)

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Re: The Facts In Iraq Are Changing
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2008, 08:18:21 PM »
It is interesting CU4.

First you make a bizarre commentary, but a fair one on how blacks can think for themselves. Which need not be said because it is obvious.

Then you turn right around and insult the entire black community by claiming that they are uneducated victims of liberal snake oil salesmen and welfare pimps.


As someone who is neither Republican or Democrat, it amazes me that Republicans say these things and then ponder why they receive such a pathetic percentage of the black vote. Notice that you make no reflection on how conservatism could be doing something better, no - it must be the fault of blacks and evil liberals.
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Re: The Facts In Iraq Are Changing
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2008, 09:35:51 PM »

The comment about frustrated small town people, guns and God was right on the money, and was never intended to have been for public consumption.

Do beleive it is true , but not for public consumption? Should a politician like Barak Obama stick to pandering and falsehood or do we need to know what he really thinks?

It is entirely conceivable and even likely that Tony Rezko and Bill Ayers are not actually infectuous minions of Satan, but actually possess positive qualities.

No , they are infectious indeed and Obama would be a wise politician to increase his distance from them .


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Re: The Facts In Iraq Are Changing
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2008, 10:19:55 PM »
"It is interesting CU4"

Yes I think so

"First you make a bizarre commentary"

I suppose "bizarre" is in the eyes of the beholder.
I think many of your views are "bizarre" to say the" least

"but a fair one on how blacks can think for themselves. Which need not be said because it is obvious"

No I don't think so at all.
A large part of Liberalism is elitism.
They think they know best
They dont think the masses are smart enough to run their on lives.
They wanna decide how much water is mandated for our toilets
They wanna decide where our thermostats should be
They wanna decide how many miles to the gallon our cars get
They wanna decide what ads can be on TV
They wanna decide food content
They wanna decide who and where people can smoke
They wanna decide how one gets medicine
They wanna run our lives cradle to grave
ect times 10,0000

So it's no surprise that they dont think Blacks can think for themselves
Hell deep down they dont think anyone can think for themelves
They think they know better

Then you turn right around and insult the entire black community by claiming
that they are uneducated victims of liberal snake oil salesmen and welfare pimps.

You guys are really funny.
Dont you know by now that the cheap reactionary crap wont work with me?
"Oh....I am a racist now" (because I dont buy your political correct crap    ::)   ....pathetic.
I dont insult the entire Black community, exactly the opposite, you do
It is you that insult the black community by not dealing with the facts
and taking the lame ass "cry/imply" racism cop-out

BTW - Do yo deny that Blacks in the US lag behind in the classroom? Am I now a racist
to state fact? However with that said, I think Blacks could make up that loss ground
very quickly if Liberal controls freaks would allow them to. I believe in Blacks and
think they have and are making great strides. The farther away they get from
the Rev Wright welfare pimp victimhood theory the better off they will be and
the sooner they will reach their full potential which is limitless.


Yeah wow!

"As someone who is neither Republican or Democrat, it amazes me that Republicans say these things"

Oh yeah "we all be racist" while it is you(liberals) that stand at the school house door keeping Blacks in failing schools
the same way the disgraceful Democat George Wallace stood at the school house door to keep Blacks out.

"and then ponder why they receive such a pathetic percentage of the black vote"

I dont ponder why, I realize they have been hoodwinked into a culture of defeatism and victimhood
by liberal welfare pimps. However I have no doubt that eventually they will overcome this and
reach their potential that they deserve. Once they have a better success rate through education,
better family values, and forget about victimhood they will be well on their way to great success.
Once that happens they will vote in far greater numbers for Republicans. Democrats need victims
to win elections.

"Notice that you make no reflection on how conservatism could be doing something better, no -
it must be the fault of blacks and evil liberals"

More lies?
My post did make reference to school choice and abortion.
It is your side that will not allow Blacks school choice.
Yeah Ted Kennedy and Chelsea Clinton got to go to good schools
While their shameful parents denied Blacks the same type choice.
And it is your side that opposes almost all limits of the holocaust of black babies via abotion

Yeah thats what I say about your racism!

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: The Facts In Iraq Are Changing
« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2008, 10:24:35 PM »
"It is interesting CU4"

Yes I think so

"First you make a bizarre commentary"

I suppose "bizarre" is in the eyes of the beholder.
I think many of your views are "bizarre" to say the" least

"but a fair one on how blacks can think for themselves. Which need not be said because it is obvious"

No I don't think so at all.
A large part of Liberalism is elitism.
They think they know best
They dont think the masses are smart enough to run their on lives.
They wanna decide how much water is mandated for our toilets
They wanna decide where our thermostats should be
They wanna decide how many miles to the gallon our cars get
They wanna decide what ads can be on TV
They wanna decide food content
They wanna decide who and where people can smoke
They wanna decide how one gets medicine
They wanna run our lives cradle to grave
ect times 10,0000

So it's no surprise that they dont think Blacks can think for themselves
Hell deep down they dont think anyone can think for themelves
They think they know better

Then you turn right around and insult the entire black community by claiming
that they are uneducated victims of liberal snake oil salesmen and welfare pimps.

You guys are really funny.
Dont you know by now that the cheap reactionary crap wont work with me?
"Oh....I am a racist now" (because I dont buy your political correct crap    ::)   ....pathetic.
I dont insult the entire Black community, exactly the opposite, you do
It is you that insult the black community by not dealing with the facts
and taking the lame ass "cry/imply" racism cop-out

BTW - Do yo deny that Blacks in the US lag behind in the classroom? Am I now a racist
to state fact? However with that said, I think Blacks could make up that loss ground
very quickly if Liberal controls freaks would allow them to. I believe in Blacks and
think they have and are making great strides. The farther away they get from
the Rev Wright welfare pimp victimhood theory the better off they will be and
the sooner they will reach their full potential which is limitless.


Yeah wow!

"As someone who is neither Republican or Democrat, it amazes me that Republicans say these things"

Oh yeah "we all be racist" while it is you(liberals) that stand at the school house door keeping Blacks in failing schools
the same way the disgraceful Democat George Wallace stood at the school house door to keep Blacks out.

"and then ponder why they receive such a pathetic percentage of the black vote"

I dont ponder why, I realize they have been hoodwinked into a culture of defeatism and victimhood
by liberal welfare pimps. However I have no doubt that eventually they will overcome this and
reach their potential that they deserve. Once they have a better success rate through education,
better family values, and forget about victimhood they will be well on their way to great success.
Once that happens they will vote in far greater numbers for Republicans. Democrats need victims
to win elections.

"Notice that you make no reflection on how conservatism could be doing something better, no -
it must be the fault of blacks and evil liberals"

More lies?
My post did make reference to school choice and abortion.
It is your side that will not allow Blacks school choice.
Yeah Ted Kennedy and Chelsea Clinton got to go to good schools
While their shameful parents denied Blacks the same type choice.
And it is your side that opposes almost all limits of the holocaust of black babies via abotion

Yeah thats what I say about your racism!

You still didn't answer JS's query as to how Conservatism would make those matters better.  While it's nice and fine that you can list the downfalls of liberalism, most in here could do the same with conservatism, even conservatives.  Why not propose an alternative, a positive change of some sort, or a new idea based on your political principles?

Or is ripping your opponent the only worthy accomplishment left here?


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Re: The Facts In Iraq Are Changing
« Reply #19 on: June 23, 2008, 10:34:06 PM »

"The comment about frustrated small town people, guns and God was right on the money"

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: The Facts In Iraq Are Changing
« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2008, 10:39:08 PM »
Or is ripping your opponent the only worthy accomplishment left here?

It is one of the critical skills , but it isn't all that is possible.

Proverbs 27:16-18

You can also bring in something new to be debated.

Or something that you just want to share with your freinds.


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Re: The Facts In Iraq Are Changing
« Reply #21 on: June 23, 2008, 10:44:09 PM »
It is one of the critical skills , but it isn't all that is possible.

You said it better than I could plane.


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Re: The Facts In Iraq Are Changing
« Reply #22 on: June 23, 2008, 10:45:06 PM »
"You still didn't answer JS's query as to how Conservatism would make those matters better"

Number one JS did not ask me a question, but I did provide some HUGE factors that will improve Black's lot.
obviously you cant read if you didn't see them
But thats no surprise to me
I've noticed your pattern of not seeing what you dont want to

"While it's nice and fine that you can list the downfalls of liberalism, most in here could
do the same with conservatism, even conservatives"


Why not propose an alternative, a positive change of some sort, or a new idea based on your political principles?

Why not you read what I post before making critical statements that make you look foolish?
Again I did
But you cant read
You see what you want to because I dont tote your line

Or is ripping your opponent the only worthy accomplishment left here?

Oh I am the ripper?
Quite funny Fatman
You dont say squat when I am basically called a racist
but ooooooooh my when I punch back after getting punched
ohhhhhh now lets not get personal boooowhoooooo
your one sided blindness because you dont like me is funny as hell
but shown once again to not be grounded in fact

« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 10:47:56 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: The Facts In Iraq Are Changing
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2008, 11:04:18 PM »
There you go again...

JS didn't call you a racist.  He opined that you insulted the black community, that's not the same as calling you a racist no matter how you want to spin it.

I read what you posted.  It was a rant against liberalism.  That's fine, we all have our own opinions, but I didn't see you state what the positive effects of conservatism would have on those matters.  For example, you stated They wanna decide what ads can be on TV.  Are conservatives for open airwaves?  Can I see titties and hear the F-word on TV?  The same things that you accuse liberalism of (and rightly so, in most cases) could also be turned onto your political philosophy.  That's not debate.  That's just running down your opponent.

Nowhere did you state clearly what conservatism brings to the table, just a tirade.

And speaking personally, I'm sick of the personal name-calling and other horseshit that goes on here.  I don't care if it comes from Rich, you, XO, or whoever.  Everytime I log on, there are guests (13 at one point today).  It's no wonder to me why they don't join.  Now you want to sit there and try to get personal with me, stating that it's not a surprise to you that I can't read and being blind to opposing views, fine.  Have at it.  But it takes two to tango, and this fatman is no dancer.  You're right, I don't like you, and it has absolutely nothing to do with your politics.  I like sirs, and he's conservative.  I like Plane, and he's conservative.  Ami and BT, I don't know about their political identifications, but I like them too.  I like pretty much everyone on here but a couple of people, and you're one. 

Why not propose an alternative, a positive change of some sort, or a new idea based on your political principles?

Or is ripping your opponent the only worthy accomplishment left here?

Looks like you answered those questions for me.  Thanks for your cooperation on this matter.

Also:  when I said to knock off the personal garbage, I didn't list your name in front of it.  I did that so that you both could take the hint, the fact that you think it was directed solely at you says a lot.  You both give as good as you get, there's no need to single one out and absolve the other.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 11:41:37 PM by fatman »


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Re: The Facts In Iraq Are Changing
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2008, 11:26:44 PM »
How could Conservatism help Black people?

Intresting question , since in recent years conservatism has bought Dr.MLKJr's idea of judgeing by content of caricter rther than color of skin.

Ideally Black people would benefit best from being people without seaparation for being black , no longer a subset , just people.

Can Conservatism accomplish this ?, still an open question in some ways it has been done , in some ways it is beyond the reach even of the powerfull who seriously try.

Does liberalism even still have this as a goal as it used to?

Sometimes it seems as if the political usefullness of the barriers gets them preserved , even by the people who were the intended victims of the barriers when they were first erected.


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Re: The Facts In Iraq Are Changing
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2008, 11:39:07 PM »
Intresting question , since in recent years conservatism has bought Dr.MLKJr's idea of judgeing by content of caricter rther than color of skin.

I agree.  And that's how people should be judged, by their character.  Man, that could even be here!

Can Conservatism accomplish this ?, still an open question in some ways it has been done

Out of curiosity, how so?

Does liberalism even still have this as a goal as it used to?

Sometimes it seems as if the political usefullness of the barriers gets them preserved , even by the people who were the intended victims of the barriers when they were first erected.

I think that conservatism and liberalism are different means to the same end.  Everyone wants a good government and people to be treated fairly, the two camps just have differing mindsets of how to achieve it.


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Re: The Facts In Iraq Are Changing
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2008, 11:50:23 PM »
Intresting question , since in recent years conservatism has bought Dr.MLKJr's idea of judgeing by content of caricter rther than color of skin.

I agree.  And that's how people should be judged, by their character.  Man, that could even be here!

Can Conservatism accomplish this ?, still an open question in some ways it has been done

Out of curiosity, how so?

  In law .

Jim Crow died and got replaced by his weaker cousin ,affirmative action. Some conservatives would like to bury affermative action in a grave next to Jim Crow but no one that can be taken seriously wants to see Jim reserected.


Does liberalism even still have this as a goal as it used to?

Sometimes it seems as if the political usefullness of the barriers gets them preserved , even by the people who were the intended victims of the barriers when they were first erected.

I think that conservatism and liberalism are different means to the same end.  Everyone wants a good government and people to be treated fairly, the two camps just have differing mindsets of how to achieve it.

Conservatives understand the means diffrently alright, but in either camp the means should be considered to be more important than the ends.
The means are now and for years, when are ends?


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Re: The Facts In Iraq Are Changing
« Reply #27 on: June 24, 2008, 12:53:24 AM »


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« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 01:21:33 AM by Cynthia »


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Re: The Facts In Iraq Are Changing
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2008, 09:27:01 AM »
This stupid "Black people I would vote for for president" is akin to a gas station advertises gasoline at 49 cents a gallon, but which has no gasoline to sell.

There is no way any of these Black people will ever run for president (and in some cases, any office whatever).

We observe that the clown that CU4 pirated this crap from seems to have deliberately misspelled "Barak". Or perhaps he is just stupid.
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