<<"unprovoked aggression" and "fictional pretexts" would be the disqualifiers in that one>>
Well, still waiting to hear what the "provocation" was. (Hint: fear that a country someday, somehow, might acquire weapons that could harm you does NOT constitute provocation.)
<<The implication of torture as supposedly equally applied by the SS of the past, and AlQeada of the present would be the mutation of that "conclusion">>
I didn't say that Bush was the only leader in world history to use torture. He's just the first American to do so. His use of the tactic is one of the many things that make him similar to Hitler.
<<Use of "entire group" when we're only speaking of Islamofascists & militant Islam, which is a mere fraction of the "entire group" of Muslims, would be the disqualifier, in that one>>
Hilarious. So he's narrowed it down to "militant Islamists" instead of all Muslims. The principle still works - - single out a large group of "others," give them a sinister bunch of motives and demonize. Anyone who's militant and Islamic - - say anyone violently opposed to the Jewish occupation of the West Bank - - is demonized and given motives ("Caliphate" "destroy the West" "hatred of our freedoms") that fit nicely into Hitler's motives ascribed to the Jews ("world domination" "pollution of the Aryan bloodstream" "gold")
<<You do realize we have artillery shells? You do realize we have multiple MLRS? You do realize we have our own WMD's? Of course, but despite that none of them are emplyed, and the painstaking efforts we go to minimize civilian casualties, there you are, making moronoc statements as above as your supposed "conclusions">>
Even more hilarious. Your "painstaking efforts" have so far resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and the toll is rising daily. If those are "painstaking efforts" to avoid civilian casualties, I'd hate to be around when you decide to shoot at random.
<<When you actually have some judicial decisions that back up that position [that the Bush administration took advantage of the 9-11 attacks the same way that Hitler took advantage of the Reichstag Fire], then you may have a leg to stand on>>
Yeah, I'll wait till someone uses the courts to decide whether or not Bush was like Hitler. Then we'll have a judicial decision one way or the other. Till then nobody is allowed to find historical parallels for the actions of the Bush administration. Except anyone who wants to compare Bush not to Hitler but to Winston Churchill. For THAT comparison, you don't need any judicial decision.
-<<[elevation of the executive branch over the other two branches (the "Fuhrer principle," the "Imperial Presidency" is just more of that twisted, mutated thought process. We still have 3 branches, that check each other. Your "imperial" opinion is pure AMBE>>
Actually "Imperial Presidency" is just shorthand for Congressional abdication of Constitutional responsibility, and Presidential assumption thereof, as for example, Congress declining to use the war-making powers given to it by the Constitution and delegating instead to the President. Attaching "signing statements" to duly and properly enacted laws, in effect proclaiming that the President might legitimately decide not to enforce them. And deciding for himself what is or is not torture, thus bypassing the courts and the legislature. All well-documented AND all paralleled by Hitler's prior but similar actions.
<<unrestrained militarism, glorification of war and violence as the highest calling in the nation.>>
As in delivering his "Mission Accomplished" speech while prancing around in a flight suit on the deck of a carrier. As in delivering most of his speeches in front of friendly military audiences rather than unfriendly citizens.
<<I hope you're really enjoying that stuff you must be smoking. "Unrestrained militarism"...."Glorification of war"....Good gravy, sounds like I'm at some Jane Fonda pot party. >>
It must be some challenge, sirs, every time you hear some truth that you can't bear to listen to, to find some new way of denigrating it without taking on the impossible task of proving it wrong.
<< So much for the asanine notion that Bush is like Hitler>>
The only asinine notion I've seen around here is the absurd denial of the obvious truth that the two have much in common.