Lookit, you fool.
The quality of public education is not attributable to any president.
You think that when Clinton is president, it's his fault, but when Juniorbush is president then it is the fault of "card carrying liberal union teachers". This is just crap. No oine believes you that actually possesses a brain.
Not you, nor the Republican Party will ever destroy the NEA or any teachers' unions. Anyone who can't work with them simply will have no results. Teachers want nothing more than for their students to learn.
Teachers will be underpaid in this country, because the culture does not respect education or learning.
Fundamentalist Bible thumpers do not belong in any classroom, and denying that evolution is the best scientific explanation simply is evidence of this anti-educational, anti-scientific bias.
Government has no reason to fund churches or any other type of religion. Churches should fund themselves.
There is value in teaching. There is, however, a lack of value for the teacher.
Teachers will be underpaid in this country, because the culture does not respect education or learning.I can't tell you how many times I am driving down the street and I see young men sitting low in the front seat with cap tilted backward on head, driving a Lexus!!. I wonder...hmmm, what kind of WELL PAYING JOB does THAT dude have?
THere are all kinds of young dudes like these men driving brand new cars around town, men whom you would normally see in the "hood".
Is there a tax break for me? I sure need one. I see Obama restoring fairness to the tax code. That's one step. I can't wait to see how he helps the broken education system. Bush, and any other Rep. has yet to step up to that plate with success.
Xavier, you are right on when you speak of teachers and teaching, and the point about unions.
People like BT and Plane and CU4 and others, can beat the band all day long, but they refuse to understand.
Of course they CAN'T understand. They are not in the classroom.