<<So basically you are saying that supporters of Obama are emotional. They are FEELERS.
<<Love, hate , sympathy, empathy
<<Does that make the GOP thinkers.
<<Logical analytical, decisive?>>
No, because Obama supporters are feelers AND they are logical and analytical, so they know who and what McCain and Bush and all the rest of that evil criminal gang are really working for.
The GOP are thinkers in the way that top Nazi warlords were thinkers, evil, cruel, ruthless thinkers who don't give a shit about anyone and are plotting world domination at any cost. The GOP rank and file aren't thinkers, quite the contrary, they are morons who can't see the lies and the hypocrisy of guys like Bush who are right out in front with their bullshit. They are also "FEELERS" but unfortunately what they feel are all the negative feelings: rage, hatred, resentment, sublimated and perverted sexuality wherein making war substitutes for making love. There is a kind of seeking of justification for giant orgies of burning, killing, rape, torture and destruction, because they can't really identify the causes of the repression which have perverted their sexuality and turned it into vicarious thrill-seeking through televised scenes of destruction and vicarious swaggering as "the nation" honours its "heroes' in various ceremonies or even just talk-show trivia. But you are flattering yourselves by assuming that "thinkers" are always beneficial AND that "feelers" can't also be logical and analytical.