What does a Republican look like?
What does Obama look like, is the real question to ask? So many people, many of whom are/were republicans, are voting for Obama. I know several in my circle of friends.
Socialism just doesn't seem to bother people. OK, then all you rich people...start getting ready to share the wealth.
Hard work isn't going to be worth the effort...so why try?
That socialism charge is such utter nonsense.
McCain voted for the 750 billion dollars that "shared the wealth" with the banks. Where were the charges of "socialism" when the banks and the insurance companies having the wealth shared with them?
Utter hypocrisy from those of you on the right.
I would submit that you guys are operating under a fallacy that the Obama plan calls for your "wealth" to be shared. You don't have any wealth. The top 5% have all the "wealth". The vulgar, disgusting, stolen wealth
But, Brass, if you were at that level of wealth, would you want to share the wealth?
Don't you see why it's not a good idea.
Why work towards a higher level of performance, if your "wealth" is going to go to those who really do not have to work as hard now because YOU are guarenteed "help" from the TOP folks.
Bottom line; middle income household families come out better under Obama.
High income families come out better under McCain.
But, be aware of the bait and switch. Does Obama want America to maintain a strong military?
I know he speaks highly of teachers, but so does McCain, for that matter...and it doesn't matter who is president on that issue. I realize that the act was set up for improvement, but damn it, I can't find one thing in the act to support what is happening to public schools across the country.
I will see how Obama makes our world best practices better when he is elected.
Brassie, I hate rhetoric, I do.
I dance swaying my skirt to the beat of the tune played across this nation --via media, spread of word, and inside evidence?
If a candidate is to be believed, I'll continue to dance sans the music.
But, Bush did a bad, bad thing. He turned Americans agasint not only Republicans, he turned them against keeping the nation secure.
Double whammy isn't a good thing. It's one thing to stand on the platform for national security,the rights of the unborn. IT's another to cram it down our throats. Tension has been the only buzz word I can think of to describe these past 8 years.
But, I worry about Obama's ability to make those "promises" come to fruition.
He'll win. We'll watch. I will continue to pray.
Ironically, I will not be praying along with those Christians who voted for Bush.
Let the earth come together. Bush pulled the planet apart for 8 years. I have never seen a rush for a newbie as I see now.
I have a hope that Obama will rise to the occasion---because he has something that Bush did not have;