Author Topic: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout  (Read 33963 times)

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Michael Tee

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #75 on: October 14, 2011, 03:17:45 PM »
This thread is a good example of you posting an article that actually supports what I have said on the MSM attempts to destroy the Occupy! movement.

The "blackout" - - i.e., the initial coverage of the occupation in the early days - - is not really discussed in the only meaningful way that a blackout can be discussed, i.e. in the amount of press coverage (which can be measured in column inches) given to the early days of the rally, as opposed to how much coverage even the smallest Tea Party protest used to garner. 

The "slander" - - 

First of all, the article admits that 8 out of 44 sources studied DID describe the movement as leftist, extremist, revolutionary, communist, etc.  I am sure that those 8 considered that these words were defamatory and would hurt the movement by turning folks away from it.  But there for sure you have a segment of the MSM engaged in outright trashing of the movement.

For the rest of the MSM studied in your article, the overall effect was to portray the movement, with or without the "noble, but" in front, as misguided, confused, addled, silly, chaotic, naive, etc.  One of the sources in that same article purported to provide a "list" of demands and grievances, all of which were, or could easily be considered to be, trivial and silly.  Left off the list were key complaints or grievances, noted at virtually every rally every day, such as looting the Treasury, crashing the economy, buying the polticians, causing wars, etc.  By presenting a "list of demands" made exclusively of the silliest and least resonating, and leaving out the main demands fuelling the protest, a conscious effort was made to defame the movement as silly and frivolous.

The very article you posted proves everything I said about the MSM's approach to the Occupy Wall Street! movement and you STILL don't get it?  Gimme a break!  And stop pretending that "Noble but . . ." isn't a put-down.  You're establishing nothing but your own ignorance by maintaining that.


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #76 on: October 14, 2011, 03:24:44 PM »
and Tee's redifinition of is, is is.  No matter the irrationalization efforts and claims that it does, what amouts to just the opposite of your claim, FACTS are FACTS

NO, they are not slandering
NO, they are not producing a blackout
YES, they ARE providing far more favorable coverage than the Tea party could have ever wished to have garnered.  Your problem is the lack of propoganda endorsing of their actions, which one could argue that their coverage is providing that


YES, the very article I posted, provides precisely that, your redefining efforts not withstanding. 
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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #77 on: October 14, 2011, 03:38:40 PM »
I think maybe the problem between us might lie in the word "slander" so I'll take it out of the equation.  It was a bad choice of words. 

The MSM's current treatment of the Occupy! movement is to portray it in an unfavourable light.  I used the word "slander," a bad choice because it might imply that an accusation was untrue and then we just get embroiled in disputes about the truth or falsity of each allegation.

So I should have said that the MSM has a current policy of portraying the movement in an unfavourable light.

Would sirs disagree with that as well?

Would sirs disagree with my contention that the article he posted shows a consistent trend in the MSM to portray the movement in an unfavourable light?


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #78 on: October 14, 2011, 04:02:03 PM »

The article Sirs posted came from the Media Research Center which is a conservative publication whose sole mission in life is to point out a liberal bias in the media. I'm pretty sure Sirs has adopted that same mission.

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #79 on: October 14, 2011, 04:09:17 PM »
I know that, BT.  I'm just trying to see if I can back sirs into a corner where he has no choice but to admit that the article, whatever its intentions, actually backs up exactly what I've been saying.  Probably because of the unwitting stupidity of whoever wrote it.


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #80 on: October 14, 2011, 04:18:47 PM »
Can't back facts into a corner, I'm afraid to say, superman, which I'm alao afraid to tell you, backs up exactly what I'm saying while debunking the bogus notion of the MSM painting the OWS gang as anything other than righteous

Once again, your problem is they don't go far enough, they don't openly endorse the OWS "cause".  Much like Obama isn't socialist enough, despite his best efforts, and an electorate that was unwilling to lurch that far left.  Since they don't go that extra mile, you have to paint them as not even trying, if not opposing...again, despite overwhelming Kryptonic FACTS to the contrary
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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #81 on: October 14, 2011, 04:25:34 PM »
All a very interesting description of what I'm really thinking and what my real motives are, sirs, and I thank you for it, to be sure, but would you mind answering the very simple question that I just put to you?

Would you or would you not agree with my contention that the policy of the MSM towards the Occupy! movement since they first began to report on it has been to portray it in an unfavourable light?


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #82 on: October 14, 2011, 04:39:39 PM »
Based on current FACTS (meaning not a predisposition of what is, is, and then rationalizing anything and everything to fit that template), not at all

You see, it has nothing to do with "reading minds".  You are the master of the template.  And you should consider that an honor.  You conclude X, and from that point on, everything demonstrates X.  Red is not blue, unless you say it is.  If you turn it, and twist it, and distort it, and squint really hard, whalaa, red is blue. 

Which is how you can take facts that demonstrably refute your allegation, tweak the terms, redefine as necessary, add copious amounts of rationalization, and whalaa, facts that actually refute your allegation, somehow support them now. 

It's quite an impressive feat.  The only assumption on my part is that the MSM doesn't go far enough in their propoganda efforts for you.  It's the only rational conclusion I can make with your red is blue efforts
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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #83 on: October 14, 2011, 07:44:06 PM »
SIRS....there are more people all over the country today lined up to get
the new iPhones that dwarf the collection of useful idiots protesters being directed
by Leftwing frauds at "Adbusters Media Foundation" in Canada. People are buying
in droves what corporations are selling, not what those losers are attempting to sell!

The iPhone 4S release:
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #84 on: October 14, 2011, 07:49:14 PM »
Wow........greedy rich Americans, how dare they      ;)
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #85 on: October 15, 2011, 12:38:42 AM »
Well, we are progressing.  sirs does not admit << that the policy of the MSM towards the Occupy! movement since they first began to report on it has been to portray it in an unfavourable light.>>

So, let's go back to the article that sirs himself posted here.  Let's see if sirs' own posted article shows a policy by the MSM towards the Occupy! movement to portray it in an unfavourable light.  One paragraph, one allegation at a time.

from the article:
<<G. Bellafante of the NYT . . . "A noble but fractured and airy movement of rightly frustrated young people">>
Q1:  "noble but fractured and airy" - -  is this favourable or unfavourable to the movement?

from the article
<<The three broadcast networks called it "The protest of the current era.">>

Q2:  Is "The Protest of the Current Era" favourable or unfavourable to the movement?

from the article
<<The LA Times actually claimed on Oct. 6 that the "leaderless organization" has "few specific demands."

Q3:  leaderless organization:  favourable or unfavourable?
Q4:  few specific demands:  favourable or unfavourable?

from the article
 NYT reports on a protester who wants to do away with the internal combustion engine

Q4:  a demand to do away with the internal combustion engine:  favourable or unfavourable to the movement?

In at least four instances of MSM coverage deemed to favour the protest movement, the reports cited are actually trashing the movement by portraying it as aimless, not knowing what to ask for, crazy (abolish the internal combustion engine) and "airy" i.e. scatterbrained, impractical, unrealistic.

Remember this is from a bunch of idiots who think they are exposing mainstream SUPPORT of the movement. 


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #86 on: October 15, 2011, 04:27:51 AM »
Your redefinitions, selected terms, and rationalizations not withstanding, the article in question continues to rebutt precisely your original allegation of widespread MSM slander and blackout.  But by golly Superman, cudos with sticking with the template

Q1, yes, as they justify the movement as rightly frustrated
Q2, yes
Q3, yes, as in the Tea party is a movement with no leader either
Q4, yes, you yourself have indicated that the demands are few and focused
Q4 (again) yes, to those who support the notion

If you wish, I can demonstrate far more reports that echo the rebutt as well.  But alas, I think we can all safely assume how you'd demonstrate how red is blue
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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #87 on: October 15, 2011, 06:39:12 AM »
   The Mian Street Media is itself leaderless and addled , but they move as a heard.

    With no evidence of racism the MSM attacked the TEA party as a racist movement .

      With no evidence of aims they portray the OWS as aimless.


Michael Tee

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #88 on: October 15, 2011, 07:38:44 AM »
To the demonstrators concerned about joblessness (a real unemplyoyment rate of about 20%,) six million home foreclosures, the looting of the U.S. treasury, non-stop corporate and Wall Street fraud and endless war: 

Don't worry, be happy!  Buy an i-phone 4S and all will be well

<<there are more people all over the country today lined up to get
the new iPhones that dwarf the collection of useful idiots protesters being directed
by Leftwing frauds at "Adbusters Media Foundation" in Canada. People are buying
in droves what corporations are selling, not what those losers are attempting to sell!>>

Consumerism at its finest!  One bold conservative's ringing endorsement of John Maynard Keynes and his supply-side economics.

Corporate America's toys are rapidly polluting the earth and killing the exploited workers that make them in places like Taiwan and China.  Problems that never seem to concern the mindless boosters of these shiny but socially worthless  products.

It's a $200 item with a lot of the purchase price probably financed by the re-sale of an older i-phone in the used consumer electronics market, since Apple products traditionally maintain high re-sale value; all easily within the reach of the top 1% or 2% of the population, conferring no real benefit on anyone, while tens of millions are still lacking jobs, adequate health-care and housing. 

A better example of misplaced societal priorities would be hard to find.  Kinda reminds me of drinking champagne on the Titanic.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 07:45:26 AM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #89 on: October 15, 2011, 09:02:45 AM »
.  Kinda reminds me of drinking champagne on the Titanic.

"The Titanic" are the shithole places that don't embrace free enterprise, thriving privately owned business, & democracy.

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"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987