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Guest 08:07:43 AM Viewing the topic Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?.
Guest 08:06:43 AM Viewing the topic Jordan Bids to Join Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Bloc.
Guest 08:06:16 AM Viewing the topic Why do aerobatic pilots have thick necks?.
Guest 08:06:16 AM Printing the topic "The Myth of Technological Progress".
Guest 08:06:14 AM Viewing the topic Penn & Teller on Walmart.
Guest 08:05:38 AM Viewing the topic Imus.
Guest 08:05:34 AM Viewing the topic Zio-Nazi "Photographs" of "Weapons" are Fakes.
Guest 08:04:45 AM Viewing the topic The Berlin Wall of Laissez-Faire has Fallen.
Guest 08:04:33 AM Viewing the topic Obama throws Israel under the Bus.
Guest 08:04:08 AM Viewing BT's profile.
Guest 08:03:57 AM Viewing the topic conservatives react to Palin.
Guest 08:02:18 AM Unknown Action
Guest 08:02:14 AM Viewing the topic Allen should 'fess up and be done with it..
Guest 08:01:45 AM Unknown Action
Guest 08:01:24 AM Viewing the topic question about hillary.
Guest 08:01:14 AM Viewing the topic this is whyI don`t telecomute.
Guest 08:01:02 AM Viewing the topic The Right-to-Cancer folks.
Guest 08:00:53 AM Viewing the topic Leak Severed a Link to Al-Qaeda's Secrets.
Guest 08:00:50 AM Viewing the topic Palin Family is All-American -- daughter, 17, pregnant.
Guest 08:00:47 AM Viewing the topic Dear Santa.....
Guest 08:00:39 AM Printing the topic "Murtha finds military progress in trip to Iraq".
Guest 08:00:26 AM Viewing the topic You Think Maybe the Russians are a Little Pissed Off?.
Guest 08:00:17 AM Viewing the topic Are Islamist Revolutionarys , anti-intellectual?.
Guest 08:00:09 AM Viewing the topic YouTube Shooting.
Guest 07:59:49 AM Viewing the topic The GOP Circus comes to town.
Guest 07:59:46 AM Viewing the topic Complete Doofus Obama finally figures out Al Qaeda is about to takeover Syria!.
Guest 07:59:45 AM Viewing the topic Behavior modifacation vs racism.
Guest 07:59:40 AM Viewing the topic Jack Cafferty on War Crimes.
Guest 07:59:32 AM Viewing the topic pretty bad.
Guest 07:58:28 AM Viewing the topic Proof positive that the USMC wreaks with criminals.